The crime of Australian journalist Julian Assange was to expose the crimes of those in power, American conservative opinion leader Tucker Carlson said in Canberra, the capital of Australia. Carlson called what happened to Assange a mockery of Western justice.

Julian Assange was released today after twelve years in custody. Your government [Australia, Assange's home country] did nothing, Britain enabled it and the United States demanded [Assange's imprisonment]. Could you tell me how this fits with the rule of law or democracy? No way

Carlson said in response to a question.

According to the American media personality, what happened to Assange is a mockery of Western justice, because Assange was sent to the maximum security British prison for the "crime" of "holding those in power accountable and exposing their real crimes for the whole world to see." Tucker Carlson stated.

As we reported,

comes to the end of the ordeal of Australian journalist-publisher Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks.

Assange spent seven years in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and then 62 months in one of Britain's most notorious prisons after US authorities sought his extradition. Finally, as part of a plea bargain, the Australian journalist pleaded guilty to one charge before a US federal court in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. Since the judge sentenced him to the 62 months already served,

Assange was able to return to his country as a free man.

WikiLeaks is estimated to have obtained more than ten million secret US diplomatic cables and then released them to its media partners. For this, Assange collaborated with former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, who was previously sentenced to 35 years in prison - until seven years later, then-President Barack Obama pardoned her.

Tucker Carlson, who is visiting Australia for the first time, is giving speeches in several big cities, Magyar Nemzet reports.

Cover image: Illustration / MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry