A new cultural policy magazine show will start on the M5 channel on March 21. Every week, the Commentary Club presents a current topic as a keynote, and then analyzes its connections with the help of its invited guests.

Cultural policy, world view, values ​​- with the professional support of Komnetár magazine. The new magazine program of the M5 cultural channel analyzes current events, phenomena and processes with the participation of the paper's employees. The Kommentár Klub is hosted by Szilárd Horváth, who viewers and listeners of the public media may already know from several programs.

The defining themes of the program are issues related to national identity, cultural struggles and culture wars. In the first broadcast, the following topics will be covered: history education and the strengthening of national consciousness, the role of historical films in nation-building, and the return of Central Europe to itself. It will be discussed, among other things, the attacks on NAT and the changes in the history qualification, the role of education in cultural politics, nation-building Hungarian films, the relationship between Western and Central European countries after the regime change, and the significance of the Visegrád Four.

Those interested can watch the show every Sunday from 21.05.

Source: Médiaklikk.hu, Origo