Alexandra Szentkirályi came forward with another Kamumeter, in which she notes that Christmas has a specific interpretation of purity.

Alexandra Szentkirályi posted a new Kamumeter on her social media page, which lists the unfulfilled promises of Mayor Gergely Karácsony day by day.

All squares and streets must be clean and orderly!

- reads the post.

The Fidesz mayoral candidate referred to when Gergely Karácsony's city administration reduced the FKF's budget by almost two billion forints, as a result of which three thousand green bins were removed. Before making the decision, which was also strongly criticized by Fidesz in the capital, the Karácsonys did not consult with the Budapesters. The decision led to the deterioration of public cleanliness throughout the capital.

The Mayor has a specific interpretation of cleanliness. To begin with, I would recommend that the dismantled 3,000 bins are not in the warehouse, but on the streets of Budapest

wrote the mayor candidate of Fidesz.

Featured image: Alexandra Szentkirályi/Facebook