As we also reported, at the initiative of the Imre Mikó Legal Protection Service, the people of Sepsiszentgyörgy can contribute a symbolic amount - one lei - to the payment of the fine imposed on Árpád Antal, the mayor of Sepsiszentgyörgy, by the sub-prefect of Kovászna County for the Hungarian symbols displayed on March 15.

Erika Benkő, the head of the organization, spoke about the incident and the importance of the symbolic collection in the Háromszék daily newspaper. Among other things, he emphasized that there is incredible power in community cohesion, and therefore it is important that the people of Sepsiszentgyörgy show how important it is for them to celebrate March 15 through the collection. Such an action is also a clear signal that they should leave the holiday alone. He also reported that Árpád Antal received an unclassifiable death threat via the social portal Facebook because of the Hungarian symbols placed on the streets of the city, in connection with which the service turned to the prosecutor's office.

The article here .