The global financial elite, which is also called the deep state - and whose outstretched fist, but not the only important player, is György Soros - basically owes its informal power to its constantly, exponentially growing, brutal financial resources.

This financial and economic elite expands in a network and exerts influence on other – such as political, cultural, scientific, etc. – to spheres, and what is most worrying, also to nation states. The fundamental goal of the giant companies and the global banks and financial institutions is to transform the functioning of the three most important subsystems of the countries, the market, the state and the society, within the national framework, and embed it in the framework of a supranational world order, subjecting it to the objectives of the global market.

If it wasn't clear by now, we had the 83-year-old Klaus Schwab , the founder of the World Economic Forum, to help us: last year, well in the middle of the pandemic, in May, he announced the Great Reset, the global program of the Great Restart, which is precisely the essence of , that they want to create a comprehensive, supranational complex system of gigacompanies, states and social organizations, in which the gigacompanies practically take over the functions of governments and nation-states and create a kind of world governance . It is particularly strange and far from reassuring that Klaus Schwab announced this program right in the middle of a serious world crisis, hinting that his thoughts are about a fresh start after the pandemic, moreover, that the book he wrote on the subject last summer with his co-author already "calculates ” the consequences of the pandemic. This is an amazingly quick reaction to a pandemic that suddenly and unexpectedly broke out in the world, which seems to me a very cynical attitude, so that my imagination doesn't wander any further than this.

The Great Reset is nothing but a vision of a brave new world. I myself would say that this new vision is a kind of "benevolent" liberalism, during which Big Boys with great power and wealth want to create a kind of humanized, so-called woke (awakened, enlightened) capitalism in English, full of goodwill, full of humanism. However, there is a good old Hungarian saying that really fits here word for word: the road to hell is also paved with good will. Indeed, these Big Boys want to dictate to us how we should live, and they try to turn us into a complacent, "happy", actionless, faceless mass, deprived of all our traditional identities, such as homeland, religion, family, locality, civil communities, past , history.

If the global elite were to achieve their goal, it would be the third modern dictatorship in the last century and a half, after Bolshevism and Nazism. If I had to give a term to this new dictatorship, I would call it communist liberalism.

We emphasize once again: these globalist big boys intend to tell us how to live in the coming centuries.
Well, let's not let them do that. Because we know exactly how we want to live.

Full text: The new dictatorship of the global elite