Political forces with federalist views are gaining strength in European politics. These include the politicians of the Hungarian left-liberal side.

One of the important cornerstones of the federalist construction could be the so-called transnational list, which would play an important role in connection with the European parliamentary elections. This means that, in addition to the national lists, there would also be an international, supranational list, for which the voters of the member states could vote. Of course, their composition would be mixed, and in practice this would mean that a Hungarian voter would also vote for a list that might not have a single Hungarian representative.

One manifestation of this was this week's debate on European electoral reform by the Constitutional Committee (AFCO), where Fidesz EP member László Trócsányi stated: the transnational list is not suitable for making the operation of the European Parliament more democratic, it merely reduces the influence of smaller member states in European politics.

"The purpose of the proposal is clear. The current rules ensure the nomination of candidates for national parties. Elected representatives are part of national delegations. If the transnational list were to be introduced, the national parties would lose their rights, and the voters would be even further away from the elected representatives. Some members of the European Parliament who are critical of the proposal emphasize that this would not strengthen democracy and would also reduce the influence of smaller member states, such as Hungary, on European political decisions.

Politicians of the MSZP and Momentum who wholeheartedly support the idea of ​​the United States of Europe, for example Klára Dobrev, expect Brussels to strengthen their influence. They support the goal that national interests and characters dissolve in a new type of state structure based on a kind of "imperial" logic in Europe, which is becoming increasingly colorful due to migration. This is the interest of the globalist forces.

Noah Harari's Sapiens , an Israeli historian, we are getting closer to the concept of a world government, as problems are arising on our earth that require global management: see environmental protection, space research, or more recently the pandemic. The open society of György Soros has long supported this idea and is trying to implement it in every way, even against the national governments. However, Europe, the cradle of current civilization, cannot become such an Orwellian empire. However, the federation's efforts try to incorporate this goal. One step in this is the proposal before the EP's constitutional affairs committee, which the representative of Fidesz does not consider acceptable.

"It is hard for me to imagine that Hungarian voters would be motivated to be more active if they had to vote for a list on which names are unknown to them, meaning that the relationship between the voter and their representative would cease. In conclusion, I believe that the transnational list would make the operation of the European Parliament more democratic, but it would also be suitable for reducing the role of national parties. Some speakers of the Constitutional Committee attach great importance to the introduction of the transnational list, so we must do everything we can to ensure that this "electoral reform" can be put to the bottom in connection with the debate on the future of Europe", writes László Trócsányi in his press release.

Source: http://fidesz-eu.hu/