The saddest thing about the "vaccine short stories" read on social media is that some people try to cram their political views, or rather their emotions, into these little writings. I'm just writing it as it happened.

In mid-February, I registered . My district doctor soon informed me that he had received the list of those registered in his district, and he would notify me as soon as it was his turn. But I still have a long way to go! Yes, I thought at the same time, it won't work and I waited patiently, I tried to protect myself with a mask, keeping my distance, etc. At the beginning of this week, the doctor called me to say that my wife and I should go to the "Bajcsi Hospital Vaccination Center" and we would receive further information there. We were a little worried: there would be too many people, it would be crowded, everyone would be nervous. Bajcsi is a fairly large state hospital, and a lot has been posted about the crowding, disorganization, and confusion associated with vaccinations in these institutions.

We entered through the gate, then through the photocell door, our temperature was measured, a young doctor offered us a seat and told us what steps to expect. We received an information sheet, on which we can talk about our possible diseases, drug allergies, etc. they were interested. After that we had to wait approx. 10 minutes, then they called us over the loudspeaker to enter through another lock.

We reached a larger room, where the waiting people could sit at a suitable distance, and after a few minutes they called us by name. A female head doctor questioned her again, and then she was told that she would be vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine - the district doctor predicted this in advance - there might be redness at the site of the needle, a 1-2 day fever that is not too high, as with flu shots.

After that, I received the vaccine, and then they asked me to sit in the corridor for another 20 minutes, so that if there was any allergic reaction, they could give me a quick treatment. The same thing happened to my wife.

Soon, another doctor arrived, a nice young man, who gave a certificate that the first vaccine was received today and the next one is expected at the end of April, but he reassured me that this already provides significant protection.

Compared to our arrival, we left the vaccination point roughly three quarters of an hour later and talked about the terrible hysteria about disorganization and haste. In comparison, it is as if we are in another country. Where there is peace, tranquility, organization, security.

This happened two days ago. We are well!