Juraj Hrabko was a guest of TASR TV, the Slovakian analyst's appearance is reported by the highlands site ma7.sk.

Hrabko also spoke about the recently established unified Hungarian party. According to a public opinion poll, the new political formation formed from the three Hungarian parties, the Alliance, would also surpass the 5 percent parliamentary threshold. Hrabko said that we still have to wait for this trend to be confirmed, but in his opinion, the united Hungarian party, the Alliance, can reach up to ten percent in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Krisztián Forró, the president of the Hungarian Community Party, said in an earlier interview that the creation of unity cannot be a goal in itself, but only a means to ensure the organized representation of Hungarians in the Bratislava parliament. It is an encouraging sign that, according to Focus, the Alliance is also able to pass the parliamentary threshold, which also shows that the Hungarian voters agree with the merger of the parties, since in the past Hungarian parties were usually measured below the parliamentary threshold. In a word

the result is a reason for satisfaction, but we can in no way trust ourselves.

The past year has convincingly demonstrated that "we cannot move forward in matters of great importance to our community, such as changing the citizenship law, until there is Hungarian representation in the parliament".

Source: mandiner.hu , ma7.sk