From the pen of Lajos Arany, the 2022plus portal comes up with a new language-cultivating and language-preserving series. Among our author's numerous essays, studies, and thousands of newspaper articles, the writings of more than three hundred native speakers have been published so far.  

The media is endlessly in love

"What kind of soul flutters in you, / what kind of love, is it blessed?
/ I bought it for you because I love you very much, / look, a bouquet of suffering, flowers," wrote
Ferenc Juhász, our giant poet who passed away a few years ago, in his beautiful youthful love song.
It's a shame to turn this beautiful, complex feeling word into a buzzword.
The media is not a little lazy in this

"Mommy fell in love with a Canadian spruce"; "anyone who has fallen in love with lavender will definitely buy
a few stems".
These statements do not refer to some kind of sick tendencies, but to the fact that the fresh, clean, balsamic scent the strong, aromatic, calming scent of
the lavender has a beneficial effect on the senses of the persons mentioned .

"My partner fell in love with one and had to take it home."
It's a guinea pig. It is obvious that the mentioned person is not attracted to animals, but the speaker
chose the wrong expression. Correctly: he found it cute, he liked the little
animal. Elsewhere, Ariedale terrier lovers are mentioned. Precisely: this dog fans
who can stand it, admire it, and praise this breed. However,
lovers among people.

The media mentions " lovers of ", as well as "
pancake lovers ".
It can be a strange feeling... It's better not to imagine it. Of course, love of pancakes with Üvegtigirs.
for the 2nd part of the film satire, but we recommend: instead of lovers , let's talk about gourmands about
those who enjoy mouth-watering flavors , about those who can't get enough of their favorite food.

According to the texts found in the media,
it is possible to fall in love with the "opposite" of everything, "nothing": "If you fall in love with a healthy diet, the patient excludes basic
foods from his life."
Diet as an object of "love" is a dirty word, and it is also an image disorder. Regularly: if you recognize the health-preserving effect ...

" I fell in love with the green smoothie"; "you will surely fall in love with one of the excellent cocktails".
The (aromatic) drinks can be enjoyed, savored and tasted with pleasure .
the spicy juices can strengthen the love (read: sexual) desire.

But the - mysterious - object of love and desire is still the flesh-and-blood man.
And we are already on the subject... " I fell in love with my wife's legs"; "she smiled at me, and I fell in love with breasts
" - we read the (smiling, but in the latter example also traces of a double logical blunder
) statements on the Internet. With a precise choice of words: these body parts beautiful, attractive, juicy,
exciting, erotic

Petőfi also wrote: "My eagle soul is released from its prison, / When I see the infinity of the runes."
lovers nature, the waterfront and the Great Plain ".

According to media texts, there are lovers of flying, dancing,
maps, and car racing; we can learn that "thong lovers generally
love this piece because it's invisible."
We learn that "wood lovers " (amateur woodturners).

We are surprised to learn that the skull motif has long been popular among "tattoo
lovers ". lovers of fragrances ", others are "
lovers of ", and still others are " lovers "...

Fans are those who and enthusiasm for flying and dancing, as well as
enjoy something , e.g.
in an activity or a perception: in a tattoo or in a scent.

But here is the "most beautiful": "the evening has countless surprises pankration lovers ".
are in love with this refers to obsessed ) fans , supporters , and pushers of this
extreme sport

In addition to the synonyms suggested after the examples, there are a few more for the "loving" media
in this subject area: food and drink are good for someone, they are delicious, they are delicious ;
he who affects: touches, receives ; who likes: loves, sympathizes, sympathizes, is attracted
(to someone, something), favors, favors, cultivates, with heart ('likes'; not with heart , the
latter verb is conjugated, lives in the form of megsrelel, in the meaning of 'accept').

And who is a fan: he is enthusiastic, worships, stares, admires, extols, idolizes, deifies, lives and dies, burns,
goes crazy, heats up ; that which pleases someone: pleases, pleases, impresses, charms,

Someone who is attractive can, among other things, be exciting, engaging, magnetic ;
who loves (something), for example, takes pleasure in (something), rejoices in (something), cherishes, longs
for (something), desires, demands, requires.

Counting the number of polished examples, we realize: "love" quotes have a lot to do with everything
, except love... Yes, László Németh's thought put on paper six decades ago
has not lost its relevance to this day: "love is still a very new achievement, which we have to

Golden Lajos

Golden Lajos

Golden Lajos

Lajos Arany comes from Gömör: He was born in Putnok. He graduated from the Lajos Kossuth University in Debrecen as a secondary school teacher majoring in Hungarian language and literature, in the 19th century. received special vocational training in the history of Hungarian literature in the 19th century. Teacher, journalist, native language proofreader.

He taught for almost a quarter of a century at the Kölcsey University in Debrecen (then its legal successor university): from the start of the communication and media studies major to its
termination. Native language proofreader of Reformátusok Lapja, teacher at Debrecen Media Academy.

Among his numerous essays, studies, and thousands of newspaper articles, more than three hundred native language nurses' writings have been published so far.
He wrote a book about the Hortobágy Art Camp ( Ihlet a rónán ), published two college-university textbooks ( Szent hír és szbat vényem – press genre theory; Sajtónyelvőr ), and edited (also for higher education) two journalistic anthologies ( Toronyőrök ).

were recognized with the Tibor Boromisza Memorial Medal (1996), the László Holló Award (2008) and the Brassai Art Award Winner of the international Jókai Award (2017).