new portal called Erősítő has already spent HUF 2,783,533 on Facebook ads The internet interface that transmits opposition messages uses a new model: it does not create its own content, it voluntarily processes the articles and materials of others and then advertises them on social media. Apparently with a lot of money.

The essence of the idea, according to the introduction on the otherwise unimprinted interface, is as follows: "If you, as a reader, are interested in a social, public, cultural topic, but you don't know how to draw the attention of many more people to it, then you are in the right place, the Amplifier can help you with the sound."

Opposition propaganda site

This may seem like an activity that "reinforces" social responsibility, but that is not the case. Only articles that fit into the current opposition narrative are propagated on Erősítő and its Facebook page. They currently follow “30 independent news sources” and plan to add more.

Even with a magnifying glass, we can't find any better content on the page.

Here is the (incomplete) list of newspapers reviewed: 24, Telex, HVG, 444, Magyar Hang, Válasz Online, Szeretlek Magyarország, Átlátszó, G7, Qubit, Direkt36, Media1, Mérce, Mfor, Szabad Pécs, KecsUP, Debreciner, Veszpresszó.

Estonian hinterland and old left side

The question arises: who stands the guild? This is not clear from the information sheet, in which community support is mentioned in connection with long-term operation. At the same time, they also write that they are trying to

"to involve other resources to start and maintain the site".

According to all indications, the data manager of the online interface, which assumes the distribution of the political messages of the left-liberal media, is a company registered in Tallinn, Estonia, Amplify App OÜ, which was registered at the exact same address last December as DatAdat OÜ, a company with a turnover of hundreds of millions. Amplify (in Hungarian: amplifier)

its representative is Tibor Dessewfy, who also appears among the owners of DatAdat.

By the way, Dessewffy is a sociologist, according to the previous definition of Átlátszó, "the emblematic think tank of the Gyurcsány-Bajnai era", the former head of Demos, but we also find him at the head of ELTE's Digital Sociology Research Center.

It follows from all of this that Ferenc Gyurcsány and his entourage were attached to the campaign. Following the compilation of Magyar Nemzet, Mandiner previously reported that domestic and foreign businesses linked to the former prime minister and his successor, Gordon Bajnai, are building a huge voter database. which is managed by Ádám Ficsor, a former minister without portfolio in charge of civilian national security services. In addition, former State Secretary Viktor Szigetvári, MSZP communications strategist, and Bajnai himself are in a responsible position. Ficsor, Szigetvári and Dessewffy have one thing in common: they are members of the left-liberal political elite before 2010, and all three can be classified as direct advisors, collaborators and confidants of the former Prime Minister.

The full article HERE .

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