If not the country of heaven, but the homeland. It is ours, because we feel it is ours, because we love it, and we want to keep it as such, Christian, conservative, European, but most of all Hungarian.

The road to this point was not easy: forty years of Russian occupation, a bald, crazy dictator with the executioners of the ÁVH, then winning the title of the most cheerful barracks of communism under Kádár, maneuvering between the workers' guard and Coca-Cola, two-thirds dictatorship, one-third freedom - they dictated the recipe is made by the party's "politic mixers", some frosting on the edge of the glass, but also a rubber stick as a decoration so that the freedom cocktail does not spoil for the young people.

And then that was over. Lenin and his friends moved into a statue park, the red star also disappeared from the Parliament, which was actually symbolic, since it was never red in our hearts, only on public buildings.

Meki, Adidas, world passport, western verda, privatization, Antal, Horn, Orbán, Medgyessy, Gyurcsány, Bajnai - the nineties were quite diverse and turbulent. Now there is finally stability, which is essential for the development of a country, be it job creation, innovation, family support or the development of a strong sense of nation. We are living through the third two-thirds, and we are even working on the fourth with a thousand. We have achieved that in the eyes of the West we are not only Balaton, Gulasch and Tokajer Wein, but a nation that dares to show everyone the way, whether it is migration or the coronavirus pandemic. We shocked everyone with this, as this was no longer Gyurcsány's "dare to be small" approach.

Of course, the breach of duty procedure, the LIBE committee, Sargentini and the entire liberal steamroller came, but they got stuck in the same way as with Ahmed H. Röszke.

The feeling of nationalism has never been as strong as it is now, and we have never been so envied. "Lend Viktor for two weeks to tidy up," my German friends and family members often joke, who are fed up with migration, crime and the press that presents everything as beautiful. Let's face it, it's pretty cool.

It is a good feeling when your country is led by a prime minister who is looked up to abroad, who makes decisions in the interest of the nation, and not so that the liberal press can write nice things about him.

I don't even want to talk about the daily defilement of the sorosist left, even though it takes strength and healthy blood pressure to endure it.

However, it is also worth mentioning what we have achieved in 11 years: there is no unemployment, thanks to the reduction in utilities we pay much less utility fees than in other EU member states, free textbooks for all children from elementary school to high school, the average net salary in the last 10 years It rose from HUF 131,000 to HUF 271,000, the government is restoring the thirteenth monthly pension taken by the Gyurcsánys, and families with children receive a lot of support, from car purchase discounts to renovation loans.

On long weekends there is no room in the hotels, and on Saturday morning on the M7 ten million beggars rush towards Lake Balaton, even though they could not do that, and the NER bought the lake anyway, at least according to Gyurcsányné. It's lucky that we don't live in their pathetic parallel reality, with visiting fees, IMF loans and the Öszöd truth teller.

We have a country that is good to come home to after a vacation, that we talk about proudly, that people look up to.

Let's fight to keep it that way.

Georg Spöttle's article published here was published on 888.hu.