Thanks to the Hungarian government, the collection of the József Attila Library in Magyarkanizsa was increased with a valuable book donation.

Csaba Bús, director of the József Attila Library in Magyarkanizsa, said that part of the book donation is the book entitled Özszétartozunk-Magyarország 2010-2020, which deals with the success of the Hungarian government, and the 26-volume monograph series Samu Borovszky: Counties and Cities of Hungary, the original print of which was published in the early 1900s.

"This series is special to us because it depicts and processes the Hungary of that time. Magyarkanizsa is also included in the volume, so it discusses Magyarkanizsa in a few pages. This is a missing series, we've been waiting for it for a long time and now we finally got it."

The original article can be read here:

Cover photo by Albin Gábos, source:

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