Mandiner published a very interesting article written by Marion Maréchal. Between 2012 and 2017, the author was elected as the youngest member of the National Assembly in modern French political history . In 2017, he officially retired from political life, he mainly teaches and gives lectures supporting conservative-patriotic ideology on the international stage.

Below we highlight some thoughts from the brainstorming session, you can read the entire article here.

Located in the state of Washington, The Evergreen State College, an institution specializing primarily in the humanities and social sciences, enjoys the role of a battering ram of progress.

All contemporary ideologies are taught within its walls: gender theory, lmbtqi activism, neofeminism, "intersectional" anti-racism, decolonialism, "white privilege" and cancel culture. At the beginning of the academic year, instructors introduce themselves to students, providing their gender, race, "gender," and sexual orientation.

The aim is to publicize their possible privileges arising from their "identity". At the imagined pinnacle of privilege is, of course, the white, heterosexual, Christian man, who alone embodies the oppression of other minorities, and who is therefore called upon to repent. (…)

The becoming of the diversitarian, or diversity, idea is the key motif in the system of the American university model. Diversity, on the other hand, is promoted with new forms of segregation, for example by designating separate sleeping areas for blacks. A university policy called positive discrimination excludes talented
students of Asian descent in order to replace them with applicants who, by virtue of their status, belong to less "privileged" minorities. The admission requirements are exclusively racial in nature, and they forget about social status, so financial situation and poverty, which can affect students of European origin, are not considered. (…)

The situation is similar in France, where one of the most important student organizations, the National Federation of French Students (UNEF), organizes "racially mixed" meetings in which white students are not allowed to participate, and does so with the approval of the university. This is simplistic racism against whites, often coupled with a deep hatred of European culture.

UNEF vice-president Hafsa Askar, for example, made the following statement on Twitter regarding the Notre Dame explosion:

"I don't care about Notre-Dame in Paris because I don't care about the history of what I know of France." A few minutes later, he hit it with a shovel: "How long will people cry for a few pieces of wood? You love your French identity, damn it. This is all just your little whining, you little left-brake whites....Whites have oppressed others with their racism for centuries and put themselves first...Then later: "The entire white subspecies should be gassed."