With his violin in his hand, he opens up and opens the soul of the world - said the actor Áron Őze about the latest guest of the Ez itt a químál portrait, János Csík, the founder of the Csík Orchestra, in the program. The Kossuth Prize-winning folk musician Szilvia Sipos told the host what kind of teaching he passed on to his children and what he considers the greatest value of the band.

"We sat down on a bench in front of the Kecskemét Cultural Center and decided to form the Csík Band with three members. At that time, no one would have given us a wooden batka," said Tamás Kunos, the orchestra's violist, in M5's Sunday evening portrait program. All this happened in 1988, and needless to say, by combining folk music and light music genres, they created a new genre, and their activity is still extremely popular today. Although the Csík Zenekar was basically always a folk music group, they ventured several times in the direction of lighter genres. Such was, for example, the arrangement of Quimby's song "Now it depends exactly". "The song became such a great success that many people later thought that we had covered this song from Csík," Szilárd Balanyi, Quimby's pianist, told the show.

It was a great recognition for the band that in 2000 they were chosen to represent Hungary's folk culture in Sydney for the cultural program accompanying the Olympic Games.

Knowing the past and preserving its values ​​have always been important to János Csík. "If we forget our past, not only our present but also our future disappears. Let's be proud of being Hungarians and also of the folk music of the Hungarian nation. Let's be proud of our values ​​and try to live our lives more demandingly," János Csík expressed his thoughts in the portrait "This is the question" on the M5 program on Sunday evening.

It was important to his father that his children read the Bible regularly, love music and get their driver's license. János Csík also passed this teaching on to his children, supplemented by his own three.

"Persistence, reliability, honesty - these are extremely important in our fast-paced, morally shallow world today. It's good if a person has honor and integrity, it's good if they can count on him, if they know he's persistent and able to do things for others even during difficulties. These are important qualities for someone to be a good member of society," said the folk musician.

János Csík recalled people and stories from his past 30 years in the portrait This is the question, and he even recalled his own rebirth in the program, since after his accident in 2002 he not only had to learn to walk again, but he also had to relearn songs. He spoke very modestly about the successes achieved up until then, and especially since then. He sees it as a bigger task to maintain the standard achieved so far than to invent new things. In his opinion, "the Csík Orchestra has done its job over the past 30 years, not only in preserving authentic folk music, but also in popularizing its value on a wider scale."

Author: hirado.hu