Rod Dreher, a conservative American journalist and writer who came to Budapest as a guest researcher at the Danube Institute , is the author of the book " Don't Lie to the Crossroads of St. Benedict and

He sees it this way: Hungary had a terrible twentieth century, lost two-thirds of its territory, and was then occupied by a foreign power for forty years. All of this helped him understand why Hungarians so passionately defend their sovereignty, be it the European Union or something else. - he declared to Magyar Hírlap.

He sees that the so-called old countries of the Union still treat Hungary as a second-rate member state. Accordingly, the elite American media writes about this part of Europe that the Visegrad countries and the former Soviet states must be treated like children, they must be led to the liberal values ​​that are dominant in the United States and Western Europe.

This is extremely offensive. I want to defend Hungary and Poland if only because I hate most of these so-called values. But I like diversity: Hungary should be Hungary, France should be France, I want to know the richness of their culture. Liberals keep saying they want diversity, but that's not true, what they really want is uniformity.

Rod Dreher was told by a person working at the Polish branch of a large multi-company that they must celebrate LGBTQ pride at the company. He said that he is Catholic, he has no problem with these people, but he feels that if he wants to keep his job, he has to celebrate something that goes against his conscience. "It makes me angry that corporate America is engaging in such aggressive cultural imperialism. It is because of them that the United States is changing so quickly: it is not the government that is pushing so hard, but the companies.”

Even under the presidency of Donald Trump, they saw that large corporations are at the forefront of promoting so-called progressive topics such as Black Lives Matter or LGBTQ rights, when we.

They use their economic lobbying power to change laws. The so-called woke, i.e. enlightened, capitalism was formed. In fact, big companies don't just care about profit, they want to earn each other's respect. This is why so many left-wing films are made in Hollywood, even though they are unprofitable. On the other hand, young Americans expect companies to be politically active. Conservatives say no, but liberals talk about it a lot and all the time.

They are looking for a substitute for God, creating a pseudo-religion for themselves. Where will this end?

Whenever I talk to people who immigrated to the United States from the former Soviet bloc, they all say that what they see in America today is the same as what they left behind. They are very angry that Americans do not believe that totalitarianism can exist in the United States. There are no secret police and the like, but they can keep people in fear so they don't dare say what they think, lest they lose their jobs.

Trump is a bitter disappointment to me. I hoped that a change had finally been achieved, because I also think that the old Republican elite must be destroyed. It is an important merit of Trump that he appointed good judges, we have all our hopes in them now. He gave impassioned speeches, but was less concerned with governance. Some people say that Viktor Orbán is the Hungarian Trump.

This is not true, because Orbán understands politics and knows how to use power. As a conservative, I want a character similar to Orbán to rise in America, who has Trump's instincts, but also knows how to politicize.


Photo: Source: MH/Tamás Purger