The tradition that was interrupted due to the epidemic situation continued, this year the processions of the neighboring settlements started again for the Pentecost farewell in Csíksomlyo.

This year, due to the epidemic situation, pilgrims who have a pilgrim card issued by the Gyulafehérvár Archdiocese or an identity card from Csikszereda can go to the place of the farewell mass, the Csiksomlyó saddle. The number of pilgrims coming from afar was set at 22,100, and 15,000 badges were made for the pilgrims from Csikszereda.

According to tradition, every year on Pentecost Saturday, the Catholic Székely community holds a procession on Kissomlyó Hill with flags decorated with birch branches. According to the custom, the cross of Gyergyóalfalusi goes at the beginning of the procession. The most valuable object of the procession is the labarum, one of the cult objects of the church in Csíksomlyó, which can be seen on the left side of the main altar, which was a symbol of victory in ancient times, during the time of Emperor Constantine the Great.

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

In the Pentecost procession, this is carried in the center of the procession in front of the bishop leading the procession. According to tradition, the 36 kg symbol is carried by the two best graduating students of the Segítő Mária Romani Catholic Gymnázium in Csikszereda during the procession to the site of the open-air mass and also when returning after the holiday.

Starting from 1990, after a forced absence of 40 years, the procession is usually closed by the csángos, the "white cross", which got its name from the traditional folk costume of the csángos. When the procession reaches the Salvator Chapel on Kissomlyó Hill, they sing the song "Ezzen szép ou Mária" and the procession continues like this.

Source: MTI

Source: MTI


Source: Pinti

Source: Pinti

Participation in the farewell is conditional on wearing a mask and keeping a distance, and the organizers asked those who intend to participate to make up the pilgrim groups of the parishes if possible, who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Duna TV will broadcast the Csíksomlyó Pünkösdi Búcsú live from 11:00 a.m. today.

Felcsík, May 22, 2021.
On the morning of May 22, 2021, the walking pilgrimage of the Csíkmadaras cross on the way to Csíksomlyó.
MTI/Nándor Veres

Source: MTI/ szé