Fifteen years ago, on May 26, 2006, Ferenc Gyurcsány's speech was delivered at the government resort in Balatonőszöd, delivered by the then prime minister at the end of the closed session of the socialist faction. In the speech that was later leaked, Gyurcsány admitted that during their administration they lied to the people and hid the austerity measures they were preparing.

In addition to the fact that the people were deceived, the prime minister at the time also spoke about how the joint governance of the MSZP and the liberals had pushed the country to the edge of the abyss.

"We got rid of it! Not a little, a lot!”

– this is how Ferenc Gyurcsány summarized the performance of the government he led 15 years ago, in Balatonőszöd. The speech was delivered shortly after the left won the parliamentary elections.

"We lied morning, night, and evening."

Gyurcsány said in the summer of 2006. He also admitted that in the campaign they hid what kind of cuts they were preparing. " In Europe, no country has done such an abomination as what we have done. It can be explained. Obviously, we've been lying for the last year and a half or two. It was very clear that what we were saying was not true. I almost died that for a year and a half we had to act as if we were governing ." Ferenc Gyurcsány admitted.

The leaked speech stirred up the country, so much so that already that evening spontaneous demonstrations were organized in the capital and several rural towns.

The next day, when it became clear that Ferenc Gyurcsány did not want to resign, tempers flared. The demonstrators marched in front of the MTV Szabadság tér headquarters, then pushed into the building, where the police were also present. Later, an official investigation committee found out that the police were unprofessionally managed and their protective equipment was insufficient.

The bloodiest day of the autumn demonstrations fell on the 50th anniversary of the 1956 revolution. On October 23, the police deliberately directed anti-government demonstrators towards the festive assembly of Fidesz and KDNP. During the brutal dispersal of the crowd, the police, who were not wearing identification marks, fired tear gas grenades, water cannons, and rubber bullets at the peaceful crowd, causing serious and permanent injuries to many civilians. Some had their eyes shot out, others were abused or humiliated in police custody.


Video and cover image source: Mandiner