The threat of anti-Semitism and terrorist attacks is increasing in Europe due to renewed Palestinian-Israeli conflicts.

In the specifically anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Vienna, we see that not only migrants who have just arrived in the country take part in them, but usually people who already have an Austrian passport and who have lived in Austria since the second, third or fourth generation, Benjamin told the Magyar Nemzet Nägele, general secretary of the Federation of Jewish Religious Communities in Austria, about the wave of demonstrations in Vienna in May.

According to his words, in addition to Islamists, left- and right-wing extremists are also united by anti-Semitism, and they also demonstrated against anti-epidemic measures, trivializing the Holocaust. As Benjamin Nägele pointed out in an interview published in the Saturday edition of the paper, this is not the first time they have experienced something like this.

Jewish communities are held responsible for what is happening in the Middle East, and this again and again results in anti-Semitic manifestations, such as we have unfortunately seen in Vienna, he said, adding: it is natural that their sense of security suffers. They took steps, sensitized community members to the problem, and strengthened security measures in cooperation with the authorities, said Benjamin Nägele, who says that their religious community has about 7,800 members in Vienna and a little more than eight thousand in all of Austria. When asked what they would expect from the Austrian authorities, he said that protection is the most important word.

The police were also forced to shoot a man in Hamburg. According to the police statement about the case, the man threatened motorists with a knife and damaged several cars.

According to eyewitness accounts, he shouted "Allahu akbar".

The police who were called to the scene tried to cover it with pepper spray. Members of the Special Operations Unit of the Provincial Crime Agency (LKA) who happened to be nearby came to their aid and tried an electric shock (Taser). They were unsuccessful, so they ended up using firearms. The man died of his wounds. His identity is unknown. The state protection department of the LKA joined the investigation. They are investigating whether his actions had a religious motive.

Photo: MTI
