"The child: liveliness, joy, a promise affecting the future, a person not shackled, the truly true god. - says Endre Ady, reflecting on the child's soul. Béla Hamvas would entrust the rule to a five-year-old child, because the child "has no principles, he knows neither right nor wrong, he just laughs and plays. And the game is the greatest mystery: it is the tenderness of the spirit.”

It's May, spring, the last Sunday of spring is Children's Day! At this time, nature is already in full splendor, chicks are chirping, roses are precisely dressed, just like on the Little Prince's planet. This is when we celebrate our greatest treasures: our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. They, who will replace us on this giant spaceship on which we fly in outer space, will lead the Earth on the Milky Way, hopefully towards the kingdom of God.

But now they are still children, incorruptible. Who does not remember, or just hear, the words of the little ones, with which they marvel at the world. Who wouldn't hear their questions: why, why, why?

Why can't it be better, different, more joyful! Why don't we keep some of the self-forgetfulness that we brought with us as children from a big, beautiful, just empire.

Why can't you find your way back to the world of incorruption, where it's not cool to have the knowledge of an angel and the experience of a devil. "There is an ulterior motive behind his thinking, bad faith in his belief. He doesn't trust anyone, doubts every word. And when he is already full of ulterior motives, bad faith, mistrust and doubt, because he assumes that everyone is a liar and a thief and vain and heartless, then he thinks that he has come to know the world perfectly and inside and out.

It is no accident that we are happy for children. We just look at them and at the same time we really feel that there is nothing more perfect than them! When you are with them, you play with them for a moment, the warmth of timelessness and joy floods you and you surrender to the fantasy world that comes from them and you can go on huge journeys in their cosmos.

And you can experience their desires too! That they definitely want to rise to the top! That's why they ask you to pick me up, lift me above your head, and I will reach a star there. If not, I will riot in the "prison bottom" of the room, pull down the tablecloth, throw the mortar from the balcony! And of course I will study, knowing that I will win! But if you raise me high, I'll be a giant! Greetings: Lóci!

So don't worry about ordinary things, play! Please!

We don't need balloons, plastic cars, wood moths with flapping wings, we need you. To your whole being! Do not mount your plane in a cursed desert, fearing thirst and death, but think of your flower, of which there is only one in the whole universe on a very strange star! And isn't that important? Isn't that happiness?

No matter how old we are as adults, experience is worthless! “To remain inexperienced and innocent, unreal and unbiased, tender and uncorrupted. To preserve the heavenly reality that is higher than human: the one that does not make us at home here, but where the child still lives."

Featured photo: cultura.hu