Miklós Hargitai was replaced as head of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists, who not only turned a blind eye to the sexist attacks of the left-wing press, but also participated in them: he attacked and ridiculed the national chief medical officer Cecília Müller, and honored the Partizan staff that smeared Christianity and the right-wing - pestisracok.hu reviews the Magyar Nemzet article .

Magyar Nemzet wrote on : Miklós Hargitai was replaced as head of the National Association of Hungarian Journalists (MÚOSZ) after four years. During the reshuffle, the former president received only twenty-eight votes, while his challenger, Ilona Kocsi, former editor-in-chief of Magyar Hírlap, Világgazdaság and Menedzser Magazin, and current editor-in-chief of Boom magazine, received thirty-seven votes.

Under the leadership of the outgoing president, MÚOSZ actively participated in political campaigns: in January of last year, Miklós Hargitai - in violation of the organization's statutes - tried to persuade left-wing mayors and representatives in his letters to create a fund to support so-called independent news portals. The former head of MÚOSZ then initiated that the left-wing mayors pay into a fund supervised by the organization and use it to finance the local left-wing media.

In addition, Hargitai not only did not speak out against the hatred appearing in the press - for example when András Fekete-Győr threatened right-wing journalists - but on the contrary: he also attacked the national chief medical officer Cecília Müller. Hargitai began his article published in Népszava by saying that Müller is such an endlessly obedient contributor to the government's hate communication because he is a good Christian, and Christianity requires and rewards obedience. He then lamented how Viktor Orbán made a quasi-nodding János out of the specialist, and most of all, how did he convince Cecília of the Hungarian nation to be the face of the entire operation, of course only the face, not its controller, since it is Viktor Orbán himself, he added the head of the MÚOSZ, and then mocked Müller's visit to Röszke in the rest of his writing.

But in March of this year, Hargitai honored the left-wing activist Márton Gulyás and his staff, Partizán, which more than once smeared conservatism and Christianity, mocking the right-wing. Incidentally, MÚOSZ's award is more than interesting: in the fall of 2003, several left-wing institutions and media, including Népszabadság, committed crimes against the deceased nuclear scientist Ede Teller in order to damage the reputation of Fidesz. The MÚOSZ only reprimanded the then editor-in-chief of Népszabadság, Pál Eötvös, despite the fact that "with the article, he seriously violated the rules of the journalistic code of ethics on journalistic responsibility, the protection of the right to privacy, as well as realistic information and conscientiousness". Eötvös was elected president of MÚOSZ for a year and remained so until 2011.

Source: Hungarian Nation; pestisracok.hu; Photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh