A kneeling person shows humility, humbles himself. He surrenders. You surrender to something stronger and more powerful than yourself. Before something that is untouchable. Our culture has endowed God, the country, and yes, sometimes love as well, with such a huge and untouchable spiritual content. Kneeling is the realm of the sparrows, the high degree; those who kneel go to the wall. And there is no further from there.

The gesture of kneeling, imbued with deep spiritual content, is therefore a part of Judeo-Christian culture, which arises from an inner motive, at least if it is sincere. However, the Western world, which flourished from Christian roots, in order to eliminate itself (cancel culture) no longer only attacks language with its effort to empty its own concepts - the loud but cheaper tautology of "family is family" or "love is love" - ​​but also gestures also targets. And this is no accident. Taking something is always more convenient than creating it. Destroying is easy, building is difficult. And the producers of ideology know this well, just as they are also aware that with their methods they kill two birds with one stone: they spare themselves the bloodshed of the creative work, while at the same time tying up the opponent; history is rewritten, tradition is destroyed, language is appropriated, biology is violated, that is, normality is erased from the formula of life, and a molded world is created, with molded humble people in it.

In this label-based society, the sports competitions are then won by deviants and/or crooks who were born as men - today apostrophized as transgender women, ending competitive sports once and for all, and the members of the national football teams fall to their knees before a game, symbolizing their struggle with "racism and exclusion " against. Except the Poles. And the Hungarians. We don't just kneel before anyone. And we do not believe that any real results can be achieved with stolen symbols in the fight against so-called "racism and exclusion".

But why was this particular symbol stolen? Why the symbol of humiliation? For example, they could have stolen the universal sign of the index finger held up, everyone would understand that, wouldn't they? Or would there be someone who would misunderstand? What if, starting tomorrow, all white, heterosexual men and women – according to the Niedermüller dictionary – symbolized their fight against “racism and exclusion” with their index finger pointing up? And we would say that from now on this is meant to symbolize our fight, period!

However, the fact that kneeling was chosen by the ideologues as a symbol is really not a coincidence. The kneeling man was bought, the molded humility sold itself. Kneeling is the inverse of power, weakness bending to strength. King Leonidas of Sparta did not kneel before Xerxes, even though it would have been worth it to him. We Hungarians don't kneel either, instead we give respect and expect respect.

Respect can be mutual, but humiliation and humiliation are not. That is why ideologues do not apply for respect. It would assume equality. But they have no idea how to measure human dignity equally. They say the white man must atone for the sins of his ancestors, the slaveholders and colonial empires have finally caught up with their fate. However, the horse's leg - and other parts of the horse - stick out from under the obscurity of the ideology sold as the truth of fate, unless I see how the inhabitants of those Muslim countries, whose ancestors set such a splendid example in slaveholding and the slave trade, fall on their knees. And they are still ahead today. I have seen ISIS fighters kneeling with knives at their throats, waiting for death, but I have never seen a Muslim kneel before a white or black fellow man for the sins of his ancestors. Or just for fun. Maybe for money. However, the soldiers of Allah took quite a lot of victims, both white and black, around 250 million worldwide.

When will the Nyafka ideology act against them with such violent vehemence as they act against us? When will they be judged the way we are judged, because instead of falling on our knees we just want to give and receive respect?

Featured image: vanityfair.com