Regarding abortion, the majority states what they want to believe as a fact, that is, that the embryo is only a "germ", an unfolding life, which perhaps becomes a human when it moves or when it feels, or when society considers it human, Vasarnap said. .hu is the office manager of the Secretariat of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops' Conference.

According to Gábor Németh, abortion is indeed the cause of the demographic crisis, as is the fact that everything else precedes having children. In addition, gender ideology also results in the birth of fewer children, and if it is promoted by successful and famous people in public, then in the eyes of many fans it appears to be a trendy, cool thing, the path to be followed to freedom and self-realization.

American actor Ezra Miller apostrophizes himself as queer, Tom Hardy recently declared that "I've had fun with everything and everyone". Actress Elliot Page "came out" in 2014 and has since undergone gender reassignment surgery, to take just a few examples from the film world.

We took some ideas from the writing.

In 2019, according to the official data of the National Statistical Office of Hungary, the total fertility rate (TFR) was 1.49 (according to Eurostat data, it is slightly higher, 1.55). There is a general consensus that in order for the population of a society to be more or less constant - so there is no question of growth - this number should be around 2.1-2.2. In other words, the classic two-child family model is also insufficient, since unfortunately there are also infertile couples.

In the old, basically agricultural Hungary, even in the 1930s and 1940s, in the absence of pensions, it was the large number of children that could provide for the older generation. That is why it was not uncommon to have even 8-10 children per family.

In principle, this is no different today, but the direct connection between having children and pension benefits - provided that the next generation pays and pays the pension contribution at home - is little felt, precisely because of the state distribution system. In addition, the childbearing age has been postponed.

Our country is absolutely in the middle ground. France is considered exceptionally good with its ratio of 1.86, and Malta is at the other end of the field with 1.14. We cannot only talk about economic reasons, because based on GDP per capita, in Luxembourg, the richest country in the world, this number is 1.34, just like in Greece, which has been ravaged by economic crises.

One of the most frequently voiced arguments in relation to abortion is that if it is banned, it will be forced into illegality, and by doing so, the legislator endangers not only the life of the fetus, but also the life of the mother. Ceaușescu's Romania is usually cited as an example of this.

At the same time, it is a fact of experience that the same thing happens with prostitution, drug use, etc. also in the field of drug addiction: they simply set up the prohibition as if it were the cause of the bigger problem, saying that if they are punished, drug users will use the same needle more than once. In addition, the material is obtained from an unverifiable source, so it is better if this happens with the assistance of state bodies.

the full article here.

Photo: Zita Merényi/Hungarian Courier