Much has already been written about our football heroes, who actually died standing on the pitch. About their great fans as well. But so far, the Hungarians who traveled for hours to Budapest from various corners of Transylvania to see the national team up close have been left out of the news. We are quoting from the article of kronikaonline.
A good number traveled to the Hungarian capital from Szatmárnémeti, Nagyvárad, Timisoara, Cluj, but also from the cities of Székelyföld, located 7-800 kilometers from Budapest, to see live the Hungarian-Portuguese match on June 15 and the Hungarian-French match on June 19, to feel the enthusiastic and inspiring, heated fan atmosphere.
Farcádi Botond was present at the two matches in Pest together with dozens of his compatriots from Székelyföld. For them, supporting matches in Budapest was like a kind of homecoming.
"Five years ago we also went to Marseille to support the Hungarians in the 2016 European Championship match against the Icelanders, then we felt what we experienced there was a kind of "national invasion". It was a revelation to see thousands and tens of thousands of Hungarian fans flood the French city. Compared to that, we now went to Pest as if we were going home," he said.
He explained that this was noticeable not only because the team was playing on home turf and the Hungarian capital was full of Hungarian fans, but also because the Hungarian-Hungarian bond was definitely perceptible. "Many, many people came to support from Transylvania, but also from other areas across the border. It was an uplifting and good feeling to experience as a resident of Szent-György that ours is a beloved city in Budapest as well. One of our team members came to cheer in the Sepsi OSK shirt, and many people recognized this and shouted: let's go, Sepsi!" - He told. He added that it was a great feeling to experience how widely known, popular and beloved club Sepsiszentgyörgy, Sepsi OSK, which is preparing to play internationally, is in Hungary as well.
"Everyone in the fan circles in Pest welcomed us warmly, friendships were forged, many people looked at us with respect for traveling 7-800 kilometers to be there for the matches. The "homecoming" atmosphere of the fans in Pest was also because the world could freely return to its pre-pandemic state, it was finally possible to hold hands, hug, eat together, drink together, cheer, as we haven't had the opportunity to do this in a long time," said Farcádi
Further details of the article can be read here.