The Christian talks about neighborly relations in the second part of the Great Commandment, and IV-X of the Ten Commandments. commands for basic guidance.

According to the Christian understanding, the Ten Commandments are nothing more than the "revealed law of nature" written in our souls by the Creator, so everyone should know this, regardless of their religion or whether they have studied religion or not. This especially applies to IV-X written on the second of the Mosaic stone tablets. on command.

The Ten Commandments, if not in their biblical form (cf. Exod. 20:1-17; MTrv 5.6-21), can be found in the Koran and the Sunnahs. It can even be found in the law books of Islamic states due to the complete intertwining of religion and politics characteristic of Islam. In Pakistan, for example, anyone found to have uttered the name of Allah or the Prophet disrespectfully can face the death sentence and execution. At the same time, the aforementioned intertwining also means that in Islamic states, different laws apply to Muslim men than to Muslim women, and different laws apply to non-believers, kafirs, which include Jews and Christians.

  1. "Honor your father and your mother..."

These words express only a part of a big whole: the rules of the relationship between spouses, parents-children-grandparents-relatives. the family is just as fundamental to society as it is to us Christians. However, the formation and functioning of the Muslim family differs from the birth and functioning of the Christian family in fundamental respects. According to the Catholic Canon Law (and also according to the Hungarian Constitution), marriage - the starting point of the family - is established based on the voluntary decision of a man and a woman.

In Muslim marriages, the woman has almost no say in who she will marry. The marriage contract is signed by the woman's father or guardian with the future husband, who otherwise has to give his wife a dowry (ticket-gift). Courtship, getting to know each other before marriage, going together are out of the question. It is not uncommon for the young couple to meet each other for the first time on the wedding bed... Since Muhammad engaged his favorite wife when she was 6 years old and married her at the age of 9, it is not illegal for girls to be married off before puberty. Today, however, when some of the Muslim girls can already graduate and obtain a diploma, this deadline is still being postponed. In Islam (especially among the Shiites), "muta" is also familiar: marriage for a fixed period of time. this time can even be a single night…

Men can marry kafir women, but Muslim women cannot marry kafir men. In practice, only the man has the right to divorce, the woman can only divorce at the end of a long legal process. Initiating an intimate relationship is solely the right of the husband. According to Sharia m10,12, "obedience to the husband is a religious duty". Unreasonable disobedience can also be punished by beating. Care must be taken, however, that the woman's face is not hit, and that there is no bleeding, fracture, or bruising... According to Koran 4.3, a Muslim man can have "two, three or four wives" as long as he can support them. Of course, a woman can only have one husband. A woman can usually leave her home in a chador (a dress that covers her face), with her husband's permission or accompanied. Even at home in front of strange men, you can only show yourself in a chador.

In addition to his wife(s), a husband is allowed to have sexual relations with slave women "owned by his right". Raping a lonely (kafir) woman is not a sin, in fact it is an act pleasing to Allah.

We should mention that circumcision (circumcision of a man's penis) and excision (the operation of a woman's clitoris and clitoris) are still customary in Islamic countries, even in spite of a state ban. In the case of women, the aim of the operation is to reduce the feeling of sexual pleasure. Of course, all this serves to "protect women" against the possible temptation of adultery... (Islam is very good at presenting negative things as positive. The jiz (protection tax) imposed on infidels is also of course in their interest...)

Respect parents is prescribed both in the Koran (K 6.151; 29.8) and by tradition. According to a saying of Muhammad, the three most important duties of a believer are prayer, support of parents, and jihad (fighting in the Ways of Allah). of children on the part of the parents , including the upbringing of female children. The Koran condemns the parent whose "face becomes gloomy" when he learns that a daughter has been born (K 43.17), even more so the one who - in accordance with an old Arab custom - buries his baby girl alive (K 81.8-9).

At the same time, it is also stipulated that believers "cannot receive their fathers or brothers as 'brotherly friends' if they do not believe" (K 9,23). In fact, one should not even pray or ask for forgiveness for or on behalf of those who associate other gods with Allah (cf. K 9,113). It is a basic principle that "blood relatives are closest to each other" (Q 8:75), but this is not an obstacle to the curse that Allah pronounces on Abu Lahab, one of Muhammad's uncles who is hostile to Islam: "May Abu Lahab dry up." both his hands, and let him himself perish" (K 111,1).

After the Battle of Badr, when the corpses were being dragged to a well, one of the Muslims recognized the corpse of his father. Then he said: "My father was a virtuous, kind and learned man... But he died as a kafir, so the fire of hell will be his eternal abode." (Cf. Isaac 455.) But even Abu Talib, who raised Muhammad after the death of his parents and grandfather and protected him from attacks on several occasions, could not escape the fires of Hell. He didn't become a Muslim either...

When discussing the Koran, we already quoted the words of Jesus: "he who does not hate his father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, and even himself, cannot be my disciple" (Lk 14:26). However, Christians never interpreted this to mean that we can even kill our relatives for the sake of Jesus. Let me repeat: here we are dealing with Hebraism, a typical Eastern literary genre that can be called poetic exaggeration. (European languages ​​do not know this genre, at most at the level of expressions: we talk about a skyscraper that does not scratch the cloud, or a skywalker who does not whitewash the sky...) In our country, it is unthinkable for a father to cut the neck of his child who is in an illegitimate relationship live However, the Muslim head of the family can cut his daughter's neck if she is dating a kafir. This happens even in Europe nowadays.

Gyula Márfi