A message to the West!

You say that Hungary must be brought to its knees. You say that Hungary has no place in the union, because no one can be a member of a community if they do not respect the community's values.

You know, we respect the values ​​of the community, and in return we only ask that the community respect our values, because we are members of the community, just like you. They are not second-rate, not third-rate members, they are just like you! We paid the price, madly.

We haven't changed, you will change! We just want to live the way we're used to.

We don't judge anyone. We have an opinion, of course, but we don't try to force our views on you. Why do you do it?

We don't hurt gays, but we want our children to start families and gift us with grandchildren and great-grandchildren, as they have been doing for centuries.

We want the fairy tales to continue to have princes and princesses as they have been for centuries.

We want the majority of Hungary to remain Christian as it has been for centuries.

We want only people suitable for integration to come to Hungary, and for them to become part of our nation as they have been for centuries.

We would like Hungarian judges to decide on legal issues as they have done for centuries.

You, in the developed west, destroy your own nations as you please. An African migrant, a Syrian refugee, someone in love with curtain rods, someone who thinks he's a doe, a 40-year-old pursuing a career will not give birth to German, French, or Dutch children. I slide down the slope, faster and faster and unstoppable. We are tolerant, we don't interfere. We know that tolerance is important to you. So be a little more tolerant, and get it into your stupid heads that we still want to remain the way we are, and as a member of the community, respect our values ​​too!

In terms of help: We don't want African migrants, we don't want Islam, we don't want to kneel, we don't want LGBTQ propaganda in schools, prosecutors controlled from Brussels, the United States. Take it and relax! We have already survived Tatars, beaten Turks, Czechs with hoes and scythes, sent Russians home, and we will survive you too! And Orbán will remain prime minister as long as the opposition serves you, not us.

We know that you have gone astray, and we are rooting for your people to wake up and realize how you are destroying them, how you are replacing the population. You are not interested in the rule of law, not a free press, or human rights, you are only interested in keeping our mouths shut until no one listens to our warning.

Before you say that you don't have a problem with Hungary, only with us, and you have supporters in Hungary as well, I will just quietly add that we don't have a problem with Europe either, only with you, and we also have supporters. So, yes, I am Eurosceptic, but only as long as the leaders of the union are engaged in the destruction of their own people.

Do you know the solution?

So you can get off us, because you're not going to break us anyway. You can also withdraw money, and we will get it from somewhere else. Fortunately, the union is not the only source, but even if I have to live on greasy bread, I will not exchange my millennial values ​​for yours.

In 100 years, we will still hear mass on the radio and not salad, in 100 years we will only kneel before the altar, in 100 years we will still sing the Hungarian national anthem, and in 100 years our flag will still be red, white and green. Our grandchildren and great-grandchildren (because they will be ours) will think of us with the same pride as we think of our ancestors who defended themselves and us against oppression from the East and the West.

Hold on to that!

Featured image: magyarnemzet.hu