One half of the country is ashamed to hear Hungarian from some left-wing artists who have been abroad. However, the right-wing has been proud of our country for the last 12 years, and they are right. Hungarian Viktor Orbán became a concept abroad, while 10 years ago they didn't even know where Hungary was. At home, they disapprovingly say how divided the country is, there should be no more left and right ditches.

However, people's thinking causes the two sides, which mean separate worlds. Let's not forget that Jesus will also separate the wheat from the chaff, one will be gathered by his angels and the other will be thrown into the fire. Division is inevitable, just as we have a right and a left, it is no coincidence that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and the right-hander goes to heaven. Leftism, atheism, liberalism go into one pan, while right-wing national and Christian thinking goes into the other. .

András Gerő, the left-wing liberal atheist historian (who, however, never speaks offensively, always correctly) raised the following point. He understands that Fidesz adopted an anti-communist and national attitude from the beginning, but he does not understand why Christian democracy and the protection of the Christian culture became its characteristic feature, why it became clerical when secularization is already a very old story. Why did Fidesz become Christian when this is not a state competence, it should be left to the churches?

Gerő rightly says that the Hungarian society is not fascismized and does not become a dictatorship, but the clerical accusation is wrong, while the protection of Christian teaching is indeed important in the life of our government today. If there had been fascism and dictatorship, it would not have been possible to hold primary elections, it would not have been possible to raise an anti-government voice, there would have been violent state actions, the historian asserts, refuting the left-wing accusations. But there are more and more church schools, and the churches receive help from the government. There is a misunderstanding here, because the government is not advocating more and more church schools, but the churches are restoring their old schools after there is democracy and they have the opportunity to do so.

Schools and state schools receive the same support. It is true that many churches have been renovated in the past 12 years, but museums, old castles, hospitals, and it is impossible to list how many renovations have taken place in all areas. However, the protection of Christian culture and even Christian teaching has really become a characteristic of the Orbán government. Why? Isn't it enough to be anti-communist, national, even Christian?

Why does the state deal with religious issues has nothing to do with it, say the left-wing, liberal opinion leaders, and Gerő is no exception. Why did this become Fidesz's choice of values? Just as one person is an atheist and the other is a Christian, it could be said that this is an emotional issue or the result of conversion. At the same time, there is also a constricting circumstance that threatens Western atheism and the liberal system and exceeding EU powers. In the West, anti-family, atheist ideas have been enshrined in law for a long time, and we are also threatened with this "squeezed legal order" (Hab1,4). If we want to protect our families and children, if we don't want them to be corrupted, we have to protect ourselves. Therefore, we are really forced to create such laws, which can be understood as Christian and why they mix religion into it, but the events of Western societies force us to do so.

We see how transgender women with painted beards enter their kindergartens and schools, how they promote LGBTQ and homosexual propaganda, how they want to forcibly sexualize our children, how they promote homosexual Santa Claus. Although it is possible that this is not visible in the left-wing bubble, because they withhold news and twist it out of its true meaning in their media. We who see all this in the right-wing media can do nothing but defend ourselves and since all this is against the Christian faith, we are Christians. The Western "twisted legal system" forces us to do so, because the West has built an advanced civilization but without God, and it once again embraces Lenin, Marx and Engels, even erects a statue to them. Brussels wants to force us to do the same, but after we want to protect our children, the family, we have become black sheep, we are scolded and cursed by the Western press and the liberal leaders of the EU. They really crucify us, but despite the fact that they threaten to withdraw money, we have to stick to it tooth and nail and we build a Christian Hungary. Just as they hate and persecute me, they will hate and persecute you too, warned Jesus. "We are persecuted, but not abandoned. They crush us, but we will not perish.” (2 Corinthians 4:9)

We still give hope to the whole world with our stand, because even though there is a liberal dictatorship in Western societies, people are silent, but the majority of them know that we represent the truth in the world.

Therefore, the eyes of the world should not be on Paris, but on Hungary.
The age of prophets is over, but there have always been individual revelations. Such was Father Pio's revelation about the glory of the Hungarians. According to other revelations, it will not be that long and the world will follow us.

At the moment, "The law suffers from damage, the law is not enforced. Evil pursues the righteous, justice is twisted." (Foam1,4)

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