According to Tamás Menczer, the Hungarian State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, the rule of law in the Netherlands has fallen to its knees, but Rutte can count on Hungary's support. Two leading Hungarian politicians also spoke about the serious attack on the Dutch journalist.

Source: Tamás Meczer:áció

Source: Tamás Menczer:áció

"The criminal journalist who was shot on the open street in Amsterdam has a day between life and death. His "crime" was helping the crown witness in a mafia trial," wrote Tamás Menczer on his social media page. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs reminds us: the lawyer of this crown witness was shot two years ago, also in the open street.

I trust that Prime Minister Rutte will do everything to prevent such terrible events from happening in an EU member state," wrote Menczer.

The secretary of state also wrote about: the Dutch government can find a way through hard work that will take it back to freedom of the press and the rule of law. "Prime Minister Rutte and his government can count on Hungary's support during the search for a way," he said.

Source: Judit Varga/Facebook

Source: Judit Varga/Facebook

Earlier, Judit Varga wrote in her Facebook post: "A journalist is shot in the Netherlands, yet they fear Hungarian press freedom!"

Despite the international discrediting campaigns, a real, balanced free press operates in Hungary and real media pluralism prevails. If you don't believe it, look around at newsstands, gas stations or on the Internet. In Hungary, journalists can do their work in peace, there are all conditions for this, journalistic opinion is free.

On the other hand, in recent years, journalists have been murdered in several member states of the European Union because they were doing their job.

‼️On Tuesday, an investigative journalist was shot dead in the European "model state", the Netherlands, who is currently fighting for his life.🙏🏻
We pray for his recovery! Of course, we know that, according to "independently objective" organizations such as Újságírók Határok Nelkül, there is no free press in Hungary and that journalists live in fear.
I think it's better to talk to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte about this now! - concluded Judit Varga's post!

Source: Judit Varga Facebook

Featured image: Bart MAAT / ANP MAG / ANP via AFP