In honor of the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, the public media is showing a number of religious films. The next part of this is the Italian-Portuguese film drama Fátima made in 1997, which will be shown on July 9 by Duna Televízió.

The film is about the miraculous apparitions that took place in 1917. In six events according to the number, according to the position accepted by the Roman Catholic Church, the Virgin actually appeared to the three shepherd children near Fátima, Portugal.

Fabrizio Costa's film commemorates the Marian apparitions in Fatima.

According to the story, in 1917, the beautiful Holy Virgin appeared to three uneducated shepherd children while they were grazing on the mountain, and she conveyed important messages to the world through them. He asks them to come again on the same day for six months, and he gives them a message each time. In order to alleviate the suffering, he asks the children for a sacrifice and a lot of prayers. At first, even their own parents don't believe them, many people mock and attack them for this, but later they have many followers.

According to the position accepted by the Roman Catholic Church, the Virgin actually appeared to the three shepherd children in 1917 near the small town of Fátima in Portugal, a total of six times. The sixth apparition, the miracle of the sun, occurred on October 13, 1917, and between 30,000 and 70,000 people, depending on the estimate, saw the sun become like a silver disc, visible to the naked eye, spinning on its own axis like a wheel of fire, and then it looked like it was falling to the ground.

The film drama on July 9, starting at 8:30 p.m. on Duna Television, can be viewed with subtitles on page 333 of the teletext.


the movie recommendation by clicking HERE .


Source and image: MTVA/ Felvidé