We who live in this country are all at home, and we are at home together: we have a common life, we have common experiences, we have common interests and we also have a common past - said the President of the Parliament in Ráckevén on Friday.

László Kövér emphasized at the opening of the KeveFest 21 National Cultural Festival and Gastronomy Days in the Catholic church in Ráckeve: it is important to celebrate from time to time the culture that was left to us by those who came before us, and without which our everyday life would be bleak. As he said, this is now also possible in Ráckevén, where the settlement "for the twenty-first time sits us next to each other and turns our eyes and ears and our hearts towards each other in the same direction", he added.

According to the Speaker of the House, any culture can only last as long as there are people it connects, but this is a particularly difficult issue in the 21st century, when "culture has become the number one arena for asserting the interests of power". He pointed out: the countries or the background powers over countries want to impose their will, the way of life they choose, on others. László Kövér emphasized: however, the cultivation of the culture passed from father to son not only protects "from the soul-destroying effects of commercial cultural supplements", but also brings people together, indeed connects people.  

According to the President of the Parliament, everyone on this earth can be a part of the country's community without having to give up the language, culture, faith and dreams of their ancestors, and apart from "the period of the godless and inhumane dictatorships of the 20th century", it has been this way since King St. István always in Hungarian history. That's why members of so many different communities could live in peace on Csepel Island, who then "moved as one when it was necessary to do something for the common homeland, and that's why we are still building a country in which we can all be at home together," said László Kövér.

about the opening of KeveFest here .

Photo: MTI