The Visegrád castle and its surroundings are being reborn in the Visegrád 700 priority government investment program, which is starting now and will last until 2035, announced the government commissioner also responsible for the program.

At a joint press conference with Eszter Vitályos, the State Secretary responsible for European Union development policy of the Ministry of Human Resources, Gergely Fodor said that the goal of the Visegrád 700 program is the comprehensive renovation of the priceless historical site, as well as the comprehensive cultural, tourism and transport development renewal of the 1335 Visegrád royal meeting 700 . anniversary. He noted that in 1991, an important "station" of the Central European rapprochement, the cooperation of the Visegrád Four (V4), was established within the walls of the royal palace.

With the Visegrád 700 program, a new era is opening in the history of one of the most visited monuments on the Danube bend, the government commissioner added.
He explained that in the coming years, not only the reconstruction of the lower castle and Solomon's tower, the valley wall and the water bastion will be realized, but also the citadel and the royal palace will be renovated. He added that the development goals include making the area barrier-free and connecting the two points of the fortress system and making it accessible. Gergely Fodor indicated that the long overdue archaeological excavation of the fortress area will also be carried out.

The government commissioner explained that the area of ​​the royal palace, which was once home to knightly tournaments, will be reborn as a public park, and the program includes the construction of the city center parking lot and promenade, the modernization of the László Magyar gymnasium planned by Imre Makovecz, and the renovation of the Viktorin promenade.

Source: MTI Image: Wikipedia