According to a French philosopher, uncontrolled illegal immigration has caused irreversible damage in France. Last year alone, 6.8 million new immigrants were registered, 2.5 million of whom received citizenship, it was said in the M1 program.

Security policy expert György Nógrádi said: The aforementioned French philosopher said that so many non-Europeans had arrived in France that this process could no longer be reversed. He highlighted two figures, the number of arrivals and the number of people acquiring citizenship. This shows that about two-thirds of the migrants who arrived did not meet the requirements for obtaining French citizenship.

France was the world's second largest colonial power, but against Great Britain they did not march, but fought to the last man. People who would choose prosperity and the economy flow in from these areas.

Peaceful coexistence apparently does not work, as can be seen from the crime statistics. Yesterday was the anniversary of the terrorist attack in Nice , and the majority of those in prison have an immigrant background. In France, mass parties were organized where white people cannot enter, which also shows the failure of integration. Furthermore, it is important to mention that the migrants came from countries that the French had ruled and plundered for centuries.

The leaders do not make the decisions that should be made, they do not close the borders, they continue family reunifications, and this was not suspended during the pandemic either.

In next year's presidential election, one of the key issues will be the relationship with migration. The French, like the Germans, are afraid, but they don't dare to speak because they are afraid of being labeled as xenophobes and fascists.

Source: M1 / ​​

Cover image: Terrorist attack in Nice - MTI/EPA/Pool/Eric Gaillard