According to the UN, yes, at least according to their leading LGBTQ and gender expert, Victor Madrigal-Borloz. And even that people don't have an innate gender, which we think is just a prejudice.

According to them, therefore, based on international human rights, everyone can decide for themselves about their own gender, and states must take this into account and, in fact, provide legal protection to transgender people. But Madrigal-Borloz also stated that the education of Hungarian children based on Christian values ​​and Hungarian identity only serves to perpetuate prejudices against LGBTQ people, so it is time to exclude Hungary from the European Union.

The expert does not deal with trivial issues such as jurisdiction (which he does not have) and member state powers (which we do have). As well as the fact that sex change is not possible; hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery do not change biological realities, since our biological gender begins with fetal development and genetics and permeates all of our cells. So those who undergo sex reassignment surgery do not change their sex, because they cannot change the functions of their organs either. As we have already written about this: changing gender is a metaphysical impossibility, because it is also a biological impossibility. Of course, it is possible to imitate and imitate, and nowadays doctors "enchant" their patients with increasingly bold promises - which also raise serious ethical questions - but the fact that the operation only apparently turns someone into the opposite sex, and our biological sex is unchangeable, remains a fact. . In addition, the LGBT lobby cannot present a single person who has undergone gender reassignment, who would have become the opposite gender after the operation, enjoying physical and mental health and functionality. Not because there is no such thing, and because it is not possible.

And if we have already mentioned ethics, we can ask the question, how do those doctors who remove healthy organs from their patients' bodies and build non-functioning organ imitations on them simply to serve the demands of LGBT ideology by strengthening the patients' mental disorder ? oath which reads:

I regard the physical and mental healing of patients and the prevention of diseases as the main law.

What drives - apart from pay, of course - those doctors who fill perfectly healthy children with hormones and make them barren for life, and in the vast majority of cases aggravate their mental problems?

What guided the doctors of the man who operated on himself to become a "gender-neutral dragon" - his irises were recolored, his tongue was cut in two, his nose was transformed, his ears were cut off, 18 horns were operated on his skull, he was castrated, and his teeth were polished to be dragon-compatible?


Photo: Youtube / Tiamat Legion Medusa

And while we're at it, where is the limit? If you want to change your gender today, why shouldn't you want to change your race tomorrow? Because there are always adventurous entrepreneurs (meaning, mentally ill people) and the number of possibilities is endless, so why should we stick to the human-animal chimeras (for example, using pig heart valves), and why shouldn't we leave it up to the imagination who wants to be what? change with the help of medical science?

But returning to Victor Madrigal-Borloz's absurd claim: gender reassignment is a created concept with untrue content, a misleading word of a sick ideology, and of course it is not even included in the utopian Universal Declaration of Human Rights . This statement dated 26/3. article states that

parents have the right of priority in choosing the education to be given to their children.

Finally, let's note that the Hungarian Parliament adopted the law with a two-thirds majority at its plenary session on May 19, 2020, which does not allow the legal recognition of gender reassignment surgeries in Hungary, so personal identification data must always record the biological sex.

Given that it is not possible to completely change the biological sex, it is necessary to state in law that it is not possible to change this in the civil registry either

says the document.

And the situation is that the frenzy that has been going on for weeks now, which was caused by the amendment of the Child Protection Act, has started a counterproductive process that goes in the opposite direction to the goals of the LGBT lobby. Hungarian society is accepting, but cannot be forced, especially when it comes to its children. Those who until now have been understanding regarding the aggressive actions of LGBT activists and Brussels politicians, have now run out of patience, and their previous acceptance is slowly but surely turning into rejection. If I were the lobbyists, I would think twice about all this, and I would put it into reverse in time. Even if I wanted to keep my "achievements" so far...

Featured image: Victor Madrigal-Borloz /