The German publisher Migo has made an LGBTIQ book available in Hungarian. Thilo Schmid, managing director of the publishing group, said, "We cannot be indifferent to the discrimination of minorities in a European country and we want to send a political message," Mandiner reports .

"What exactly is this LGBTIQ? Die Welt reports that some chapters of the book "A guide to the world of gender and diversity" These chapters explain the meaning of the LGBTQI acronym and provide information on children's rights.

The publisher wanted to respond to the recently adopted Hungarian Child Protection Act. Thilo Schmid, managing director of the publishing group, said, “We cannot be indifferent to the discrimination of minorities in a European country and we want to send a political message. This law crosses a line. Now, with our digital capabilities and content, we are crossing state borders, and hopefully crossing borders in people's minds as well."

Source: Mandarin