Today, cooperation is the order of the day, we can only create and preserve each other's security together, said Katalin Szili, the prime minister's representative, on Saturday in Szarvas - Ezüstszőlő.

The politician is the XXIV. At the Carpathian Basin Nationalities Days and Harvest Day event, he stated: without unification, we cannot master the challenges and problems of the 21st century, not even the pandemic.

The only way we can ensure security - from here and beyond the border, and also for the nationalities - is if we respect each other's use of language, culture, traditions and identity - added Katalin Szili.

He reminded that the Hungarian Basic Law includes the responsibility assumed and borne for Hungarians beyond the border, and that the nationalities living in Hungary are state-creating factors.

At an event organized by the Szarvasi Farmers' Association for the Preservation of National Traditions, he said: the harvest is a symbol of new life and the future; And Szarvas - through the Slovak nationality living there - "provides an excellent example of coexistence".

Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development at the Ministry of Agriculture , said that the last ten years were a decade of building national unity, the motherland was able to strengthen its relations with all Hungarian-inhabited settlements and implemented improvements. He emphasized that national unity and the Hungarian countryside will be strong if the farmers give the spirit and the government the material.

more information here .

Photo: MH/Róbert Hegedüs