We must fight against the unwanted and destructive side effects of globalism

On the one hand, the martial art consists of the undertaken confrontation, and on the other hand, its artistically executed methodology. The conflicts of ancient times, and of course today, often ended in fierce battles to the end, based on principles where the stake - in a moral sense - was based on the simple truth of winning or being defeated. There was no compromise, because the situation escalated precisely because the opposition was irreconcilable.

Examining our lives today from this point of view, we perceive that normality - the basic values ​​of human existence - are being whipped by abnormal challenges and are trying to wash our consciousness with some kind of degeneration. Having no other choice, we have to take up the gauntlet thrown before us. Until now, preserving normality seemed natural by simply avoiding it, by feigning indifference and smiling at everything we considered absurd. We, the majority, have simply lived normally until now. Because this way, we thought, we will be able to protect our own world. Today, however, it has become clear that in order to win without alternatives, we must rethink our own solution formula along the lines of the "best defense is attack" principle.

For the sake of everything, we, the founders and operators of the Safe Society Foundation, defend our attacked values ​​and social groups, and we declare a fight against the harmful ideology and unacceptable practices of the Open Society Foundation, which denies the basic values ​​of normality. We, the majority of people living in societies, tolerate the faith and religious life of those who practice other religions other than Christianity. We tolerate otherness in gender, intimacy between people of the same sex. But we do not tolerate and do not tolerate the social acceptance of perversity, as we consider it a personal tragedy of individuals, which cannot be an element of the norm system. Together, we persecute all actions aimed at corrupting minors, whether in words or actions.

The Protected Society Foundation considers the existence and preservation of the normal, that is, the accepted – the traditional – society as a challenge to be protected. We believe in differences, political diversity, and the interdependence of nations. But we are against subordinate-superior classifications - see: double standards - and the blending of cultures along the lines of financial interests, in a fashionable word: the globalized world. All attempts in the past to eliminate nations have failed and will continue to fail in the future. The uniformed, "mixed world" destroys the achievements of humanity, especially the livable world. The United States and the countries of Western Europe are being hit by crises not seen in recent decades. It can be seen that the elevation of global idealism to social rank has, for example, degraded Sweden, which built an almost perfect way of life, into a street battleground for immigrant criminal gangs. In Germany, precision, order and predictable everyday life are disappearing, while trust and faith are disappearing from the lives of German people.

The absurdity of the open social model is best underlined by the declaration of thousands of French generals and officers envisioning a civil war in France. The call for help was triggered by the impasse of unmanageable multiculturalism, the many dramatic cases that - unfortunately - naturally occur from the coexistence of different cultures. We, the representatives and followers of the Protected Society Foundation, believe that the possibility of ideological struggle has not yet been exhausted, the time for real generals has not yet arrived - although it is important to know that they are behind us - perhaps the battle of reason can still be fought, protecting everything that represents the dignity of human existence. Martial arts must also bring the element of art into battle. The form of confrontation is rhetoric and persuasion. It is important for everyone to understand that indifference does not support the preservation of standards, but the coming of disaster. After all, there is no ideological question mark in the fact that a livable world is everyone's right and right. The concept of the nation is the same whether viewed from the right or the left. Because in families, the mother, the father and their children are not organized on an ideological basis, but the challenge for them is to understand and respect each other. As in our sacred world, there is human eternal existence, regardless of which church representatives preach to their followers.

So that all this can be defended, we attack. We are building a network so that we can be strong opponents of the already established globalist network. We mobilize against those who aggressively spread the ideas of an open society. We do not tolerate that young people without sufficient life experience are lured into the trap of "sensitization". We organize demonstrations and prove that you don't have to hide in a degenerate costume to express your opinion. The Protected Society Foundation therefore belongs to everyone who feels that normality is the only relational system in which they want to live their political views freely, regardless of fashion.

Because the foundation is not a political, but a civil initiative at a time of increasingly vociferous ideological clashes. However, we also know which is the strategic value that we want to follow. It is a historical challenge for us, the majority of society, to expose the error-based extremisms, that is, the unwanted side effects of globalism, and push them back to where they belong, in the depths of libraries. From the opponent's side, only a tiny minority can be heard in an exaggerated form. Why should we put up with this? Why should we accept with our heads down that we have to suffer provocations beyond all imagination?

To make it clear once and for all, today we still emphasize the element of art in the term martial arts, and we hope that this will be enough to preserve human society. We have no doubt that the representatives of the absurd world will do everything to prevent us from achieving our goal. But whatever they do, a normal life is without an alternative.

The author is a secret service expert, president of the Protected Society Foundation (www.vdta.hu)

In our opening image: Vid defeats the dragon of the Ecsedi bog. statue in Nyírbátor.