to the peoples of the former socialist countries
In the European Union, a brutal war is raging between the supporters of normality-abnormality, morality-immorality, limited sovereignty-total submission, i.e. nation-states and federalists. Remember that in the parliament of the federal Union, your countries - individually - would have only a few percent of their ability to assert their interests. Our future is at stake! Hungary is now the target of attacks because of the anti-pedophile law passed to protect children. Hungary and Poland have already defended and signed an alliance of defiance against the persistent left-liberal attacks by asserting their right of veto. This is a very dangerous situation, because if left-liberals come to power in one country as a result of the unpredictable decision of the electorate, then the other country left without protection will also be lost, in the absence of a veto. Unfortunately, the right of veto is also becoming less and less important, as the European Parliament and the Commission go beyond existing legislation. Gone are the days when you could wait for the chestnuts to be scraped by others. This Hungarian proverb means that no one can wait for others to fight for them, for others to bear the burdens and consequences of a war fought for the common good. The former socialist countries therefore have to decide and take sides. If a frog is put in a pot and the water is slowly heated, the frog does not jump out, it is slowly cooked. If the former socialist countries do not constantly protest against the dictatorship of Brussels, then we will all be slowly cooked under the fire of Brussels. Only through solidarity do we have a chance to protect our Christian-based culture and our relative sovereignty! Freedom-loving peoples, stand up for Hungary!
Ottoman expansion already reached the Sava in the Middle Ages, during the reign of our King Louis the Great. Hungary successfully fought against the most organized and strongest military state of the time for one hundred and fifty years, but the long war slowly eroded its strength. Unfortunately for us, as a result of the Reformation, religious wars broke out all over Europe at that time. Christians fought against Christians, while the Ottoman armies occupied Nándorfehérvár, today's Belgrade, in 1521. Thus, in 1526, the Hungarian army left alone was defeated at Mohács. We Hungarians came under the Turkish yoke for one hundred and fifty years, and the peoples of the Balkans for five hundred years. The historical lesson is that we, small peoples, can only achieve success against great powers through cooperation. If we don't get together now, Brussels will hunt down every country playing a waiting game one by one with political and economic blackmail!
Our Hungarian brothers abroad!
Help the motherland in this great war! I ask you to spread the above call in every possible way and to translate it into the official language of your countries. Furthermore, petition nationally committed but non-chauvinist parties with the request that they openly take a stand against mass immigration, the push of the gender lobby and the transformation of the Union into a federal state! I recommend to your attention the eternal lines of Mihály Babits (John's book, third part):
" Hear
the harsh words of the God of the Lord of Heavens, great Nineveh, repent,
because he who is silent is an accomplice among sinners."
Retired forest engineer