This is what the columnist recommends to Viktor Orbán. Not by chance, because the comments after the Fox News interview show that Viktor Orbán is very popular among news consumers in the USA and the European Union. And we can proudly state that the prime minister is jealous of us...

Written by József Mészáros:

Mr. Prime Minister! I know you don't usually read comments, I understand. Now, however, I recommend to your attention the stream of comments from the Great Video Sharer, which fell under your conversation with Tucker Carlson There are few domestic contributors among them, the more American, Australian, British and German.

The Fox News Tonight program and Tucker Carlson are the most watched political analyst (program) in the USA. I just read this on a Hungarian website that can't be accused of being hungarophilia and right-wing in the least. It is true that Carlson was immediately trained in what he should have asked and how. I hope America's star reporter heeds this professional advice, or he'd better fall flat on his back into a steak fork.

In his introduction, Carlson said everything about Hungary that might be important to the average American: it is in Central Europe, it is small, it has no nuclear weapons and no navy, and its GDP is smaller than that of New York. Despite this, your prime minister regularly jumps the stimulus threshold of Joe Biden and smashes the pepper under the noses of the EU liberals with a sledgehammer.

Anyway, let's look at the comments!

In a few hours, 7,300 comments were received, 99.99 percent of which are from abroad and envious. Asongya:

It's a shame he's not our Prime Minister/President - written by the hundreds from the USA, Australia and the UK.

He speaks English better and more intelligently than Biden - thousands of posts from the USA.

Until now I've only read about it, now I've heard it for the first time, it's about time! the Germans wrote.

Our media is a burning garbage dump - also a German post.

The best leader in Europe, glad you asked this guy, Tucker! – from Americans.

The commentators take the cross water from Biden and the reigning boss of the union to the yellow earth - contrasting Orbán with them as an example. Moreover, quite a few American commentators thank God for Orbán...

Well, from all this one can draw sound conclusions. The first is that Fox News was bought by Orbán's son-in-law. The second: Nagy Videomegosztó also became a company close to Fidesz. The third: a troll armed with thousands of American slang and syllabus praised the Hungarian Prime Minister. The fourth: Árpád Habony. The fifth: Tucker Carlson was angry with Klara Dobrev for some reason. The sixth: Fletó went online late today. The seventh: Where did Damon Hill go?

In the Fox News report, they asked about anti-migration behavior, anti-EU behavior, and Biden's hooliganism. the report and the comments here , and you can read the transcript here. Have fun everyone! Also for the primary voters.

Author: József Mészáros/

(Cover image source: YouTube)