A remarkable article was recently published in Nyugati fény, which is linked to DK, in which the author expressed quite a bit of anger about the night and day conditions prevailing in Erzsébet tér and Deák tér. - and turns into a boozy, sticky anus”.

Zsuzsa Barna doesn't skimp on vulgar epithets, and the description of the phenomenon is undeniably accurate and plastic, even in the right-wing press, the news of how DK takes the blame for Karácsony as the person responsible for the situation spread. Unfortunately, the overall picture is not only more nuanced than this, but also more complicated, since the author does indeed mention Karácsony among those responsible, but only as a link in the chain, and as a faithful DK, the Fidesz government, the mayor of Fidesz, the operators of Fidesz and the identifies the Fidesz police as the main scapegoat.

This tells two things, on the one hand, that the DK actually has no intention of spoiling Karácsony, they want Dobrev as prime minister at all costs, and the mayor can only be an intermediary grad for them, who if he were to run against Gyurcsány, they would be able to put him down even after the victory. On the other hand, the fact that the author interprets a cultural issue as a political issue, in addition to his objective errors, slips and contradictions, and makes the mistake of looking for it without exploring the real reasons, and then finds - of course according to his own taste - the otherwise responsible for truly unblessed states. I would like to note that if we really want to force the political/ideological fault line, so be it, but the globalist approach represented by DK also comes out the worst, because it is precisely the politicians, media, artists, educational institutions and fashionable educational principles of the western cultural circle, in short, the globalist zeitgeist tells his children that "you can be anyone and do anything". Love is love, right? Family is family, gender identity must be eradicated, biology is outdated, men can give birth too, and so on. Are we seriously surprised that after decades of persistent education and indoctrination, the fruit has ripened, and the drunken genie has come out of the bottle and has no intention of going back there?

But what exactly is it about? The author complains that in the named squares of the capital, you can often find drunk, drugged, raucous young people, from all nations, of course, who flood the public space, including parks, with their various end products. For all of this, he blames the operator of the Fröccterrasz - close to the government - who only installed two toilets, but they are also paid (HUF 300), the Fidesz mayor of the 5th district and the opposition Karácsony, because they look the other way, the police, who also look the other way, and so on. in general, the Fidesz government, which "laughingly tramples and makes miserable the Gábors of Iványi who are trying to solve the problem of homelessness for them, for us and for everyone beyond their power". He describes that Fröccsterass caters to a wide range of people, from yuppies to teenagers with more fashionable parents, "in its amazingly pro-style, yet seriously overpriced way". Finally, he adds that

I do not know the solution. Maybe more and better quality mobile toilets that are free (!) and cleaned regularly. Maybe stricter control. I don't know what the solution is, but it's none of my business: I just want to cross in peace to the tobacco shop across the street without getting into shit or being attacked. The fact is that it is typical for our entire country: there are many responsible, everyone is pointing the finger at the other, and no one is doing anything. This is how the heart of Europe will become a sewer.

Then let's unravel this story and start right away with what the author generously omitted, the investigation of the causes of the phenomenon! I believe that the fault line is not drawn between the residents of the city center and the partying young people, but much deeper than that. Our entertainment culture changes by age and generation, but the demand is constant. The eternal desire to let off steam was just as present in Southern Europe of the early modern period - where the carnival represented a scheduled rite of institutionalized chaos, a world turned upside down organized around food, sex and violence - as it was about the decadent locales and stuffy streets of turn-of-the-century Paris famous for its eroticism in the Montparnasse district, or in the Sankt Pauli district of Hamburg, some of whose streets were rightly known as Germany's most famous red-light district.

Then the West fought its way through two world conflagrations, and then with the lowering of the Iron Curtain, Europe split in two, so our country had to wait forty years for its locality to become global, and for it to embrace the way of life it had longed for, despite being the most cheerful barracks; with all its advantages and unexpected disadvantages. Today, the heart of the West beats in our cultural and intellectual bloodstream, and all of this, combined with the development of technology, has definitively rewritten cultural consumption and entertainment habits. It's time for us to realize that Western culture was (also) brought in as a package through our wide-open doors, and we were given a complete menu for lunch, so we ask you not to be picky if the dessert turns out to be nauseating and gives you a stomach ache.

Returning to the cluttered spaces complained about by the author, let's record the reality: the proletariat and the overpriced inner-city environment are very difficult to fit together, even if they are crammed into one sentence. The proles, although they are not starving, as the DK leader's main ally, Jakab, envisions - it is enough to look at the summer crowds in suburban shopping centers, which, I note, is equivalent to a sociology study - but I hardly believe that they would pay HUF 3,000 for a mayor's splurge , 4100 for a splash of Krúdy or 1300 for a 0.33 Corona beer. As Zsuzsa Barna herself describes, this place attracts fashionable young people. The demand for free and better quality (?) toilets is also incomprehensible in this way, because whoever pays HUF 20-30-50 thousand for an evening's entertainment (with food, drinks, cigarettes, drugs) would not have HUF 300 to use the restroom. What's more, I also claim that the owner can even install dozens of rose-scented, free buds, a drunken, ripped-up young person will not decently wander there if the need arises.

Source: froccterasz.hu

Source: froccterasz.hu

But the author of the article blames the lack of regular cleaning, which is again incomprehensible, since the washrooms and the space are cleaned regularly - every morning. Or perhaps the expectation is that a complete cleaning crew cruises among the guests and possibly follows them to the park? Lifelike, isn't it? The same is true for increased control: what should the police do, forcefully transport enlightened individuals home? And their privacy rights? I'm afraid that if this were to happen, the DK would be the first to call for a police state and a Fidesz ban, as it does in the case of the homeless issue in the same article. According to this, it is outrageous criminalization on the part of the government if it drives homeless people, in many cases drug and/or alcohol-addicted human wrecks, to homeless shelters during the winter flood, while it is expected to teach spoiled, rich young people to be rude and limit their freedoms?

I am afraid that it is time for the people who live there - with the author of the article in the lead - to face the fact that the behavior of the young people who flood the city center at night is a product of the neoliberal culture, lifestyle and upbringing. As he sows, so shall he reap. Let's look in the mirror, practice self-criticism, not point the finger at others, and finally acknowledge that no city administration will solve our cultural problems. Also, let's take a look around the large cities of Western Europe, which our opposition and their press, by the way, bring up as examples to be followed in every way, how the young people have fun there: the skyline will tell a lot.

Of course, it could be done differently, for starters, if everyone just obeyed the existing rules and complied with the basic standards of living together, we would already make great progress. If the only and exclusive point of view was not me , it would be the here and now . On the other hand, as long as the united opposition and its press keep shouting the false myth of "you can be anyone, do anything" without self-reflection and completely ignoring the consequences, the non-stop hustle and bustle of the capital's nights will hardly change. However, as a supplementary measure, they can produce new slogans, for example, the Szar is Szar and Ugy az Ugy could be attached to their flags along the lines of Love is Love . Only stylistically, comrades, in the spirit of self-identity.

Featured image: froccsterasz.hu