On Sunday, the Catholic Church celebrates the most important feast of Mary, the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that is, the death and assumption of the Virgin Mary.

On the occasion of the holiday, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, will celebrate the Holy Mass in the Esztergom Basilica at 11:30 a.m., Csaba János Tóth, press representative of the Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest, informed MTI.

In a statement sent to MTI by the Hungarian Catholic Bishops' Conference, he wrote: In Jerusalem, in the 5th century, the holiday was already commemorated, which was called Dormitio sanctae Mariaen, i.e. "The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin". In the 6th century, the holiday spread throughout the East. Rome adopted it in the 7th century, and from the 8th century it was called Assumptio beatae Mariaen, meaning the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

XII. On November 1, 1950, Pope Piusz proclaimed as an article of faith that "after the end of her earthly career, the Blessed Virgin Mary was assumed together with her body and soul into heavenly glory," they wrote.

They added: King Saint István considered the holiday so important that he recommended Hungary to the protection of the Virgin on this day. That is why the Virgin Mary is called the heavenly patron of Hungary, that is, Patrona Hungariaen. Saint Stephen died in 1038 on the day of the Assumption.

Assumption Day is a mandatory holiday, which means that Catholics must attend mass on this day, even if it is not a Sunday.

In Hungary, several cathedrals, including the Esztergom Basilica and many churches, hold their farewell on this day, that is, they celebrate their patron saint.


Photo: romkat.ro