On the occasion of the 565th anniversary of the death of János Hunyadi, a statue in honor of the Turkish beater Hunyadi will be inaugurated in Komárom.

At the event starting on August 29 (Sunday) at four o'clock in the afternoon, János Bán (known as Mór Bán), known as the writer of the Hunyadi series, and the director of the M5 channel, will give a celebratory speech.

Regarding the installation of the statue, the president of the Kárpátia Sport Civic Association, György Pallag, said on behalf of the organizers that after long preparations, the final location was found for the donation of the sculptor Tibor Túri Török. "We are erecting the bust of János Hunyadi together with the entrepreneur Vince Beke on his private plot, because the originally planned location on Eötvös Street, which is also on private land, fell into a monument protection zone, so the responsible office did not approve it here," he said.

The sculptures of Tibor Túrök, a sculptor and artist from Keszthely, can be found all over the Carpathian Basin. His works can be found in many parts of Hungary, in about 50 settlements. As a nationally committed person, he creates and donates many works to his national brothers.

Of course, there are also his statues in the Highlands in public squares from Szenc to Királyhelmec. His activities were awarded with a gold diploma by the Rákóczi and then the Kossuth Associations, and in 2009 he also won the Pro Cultura Keszthely award.

The full article can be read here.

Erika Szalai/Felvidék.ma