Romanian-Hungarian interstate relations are much better today than they were three or four years ago . According to Kelemen Hunor not only the Hungarians of the Carpathian Basin, but also the peoples of the region have common interests The Deputy Prime Minister of the Romanian Government György Sepsiszent spoke about this at a joint press conference with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó and Mayor Árpád Antal.

In response to a journalist's question, Kelemen Hunor said: Romanian-Hungarian interstate relations are much better today than they were three or four years ago. Consultations are common on policy issues. He believed that joint government meetings should be arranged when these are not only symbolic gestures, but also bring tangible results for the Romanian and Hungarian people, either in the economy or in the social, cultural, and educational fields.

"My colleagues and I are trying to make these relations as smooth as possible," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

In response to the question regarding the escalating campaign of the Hungarian elections that seeped into Transylvania via social media, Hunor Kelemen said: politicians can only reject hatred and verbal aggression, because the latter can also lead to physical aggression.

"It is the task of politics to warn everyone in this period to exercise their rights, not to give up their freedom, (...) to form their own opinion about the world and not to adopt the opinion of others," stated Kelemen Hunor.

Árpád Antal, the mayor of Sepsiszentgyörgy, cited the goal set out in Viktor Orbán's annual evaluation on Saturday, that Hungarian businesses generate and bring home at least as much profit as foreign companies take out of Hungary.

"I asked (...) let's do everything together so that as many Hungarian companies as possible come to Transylvania, Székelyföld, Sepsiszentgyörgy, and

part of the profit generated here should be taken home to Budapest, and the other part should be used here for the benefit of the community.

In the past ten years, we have jointly managed to start the nation-building process of national unification, which we would like to continue even after April 3," said Árpád Antal.

Péter Szijjártó emphasized: if the government regains the trust of the people, then they will continue the economic development program in Transylvania and Székelyföld, the construction and renovation of local kindergartens and schools will continue, they will continue to support church communities, and the programs necessary to preserve cultural identity will continue financing and sports developments.


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