Hungarian participation in the self-filling phase of the census was estimated at 67%, which is well above the national average of 58%, according to the RMDSZ's announcement on Tuesday.

Estimated according to the proportion of Hungarians in the counties, a total of about 800,000 "Hungarian questionnaires" were received in the Statistical Institute's system, of which 340,000 were registered individually, from home, and another 460,000 at the census points. However, even among Hungarians, the number of questionnaires that were incompletely or multiple times submitted, therefore not validated, or related to empty apartments, is significant, approximately 100,000.

The good Hungarian participation is also evident from the fact that the seven Transylvanian counties with a significant Hungarian population performed very well in the national ranking: Hargita 73, Kovászna 71%, with a participation rate of 71%, finished the first phase in second and third place, respectively. Bihar was fourth, Cluj fifth, and Maros county sixth, all three with a participation rate exceeding 65%. Szilágy finished the first stage in twelfth place, and Szatmár in thirteenth place, both with over 60% participation.

As for the big cities, the participation can be estimated at 81% in Sepsiszentgyörgy, 77 in Csíkszereda, 75 in Arad, 74 in Marosvásárhely, 72 in Brasov, 71 in Nagyvára, 70 in Szatmárnémeti, 68 in Zilah, 67 in Cluj, 62 in Nagybány, and 61% in Timisoara.

We have written here in detail about the three questions that you need to pay close attention to in the next personal inquiry phase starting on May 31. Incidentally, the enumerators started going door to door on Tuesday.


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