The special military operation carried out by the Russians in Ukraine, since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Europe, the voices that deal with the state, fall and death of the Russian president are getting louder from time to time in the media.

Putin has cancer, is on steroids, has an auto-immune disease, Parkinson's disease, has been operated on, assassinated, mentally deranged, been dead for weeks, and so on. Sound familiar? The only problem is that wish-driven thinking - as the definition itself describes - is guided by desires instead of reason, so it is nothing more than self-delusion, self-deception.

Nobody lives forever, of course, so anything can happen to Putin, who is turning 70 this year, just like to all of his contemporaries, predecessors and successors: he can get sick, he can be coup d'état, he can be assassinated. However, there is no guarantee that if and when President Putin suddenly disappears from the scene, he will be succeeded by a leader who is in love with Western values ​​and who pleads for world peace. Someone who would crown Biden as tsar on the day after his election, would hand over the keys to the Kremlin to the government of the Ukrainian state actors , opening wide the gates of Russia to the guests in Davos, and then would exterminate all the teddy bears of the Federation, paint their fur rainbow, and before Western morale could shake its head, he would exchange his Russian army uniform for Gucci's 2020 men's collection.


To use a Chinese saying: be careful what you wish for!

The Business Insider article draws attention to this trivial possibility as well, which states that certain circles in Russia are extremely dissatisfied with Putin's special military operation and are demanding a full-scale mobilization, a kind of "war to the last blood", instead of a fight.

In a May 19 letter, the Russian General Assembly stated that the special military operation had not achieved its goals and called on Putin to face the fact that the invasion of Ukraine is no longer about the "de-Naziization" of Ukraine, but about the existence of Russia and its place in the world order. from its place - it is clear from the recent analysis of the Washington research institute, the Institute for the Study of War . The pro-Russian veterans group says Putin's operation has failed and it's time to prepare for a "regular" war.

However, not only veterans, but also pro-Russian bloggers are increasingly critical of the Kremlin. Such is the case with Yuriy Podolyaka, who has 2.1 million followers on Telegram, who said in a video that he had avoided criticizing the Russian army until now, but his patience ran out after the failure to cross the Siversky-Donets River.

The New York Times, the crossing of the Siversky-Donets River by the Russian army took place at the beginning of May, and it became one of the most dramatic losses of the war for the Russian side: dozens of armored vehicles were lost there and, according to estimates, more than 400 Russians a soldier was killed or wounded.

There are more and more discontented voices in the Federation, but not those who would seek to de-escalate the war - on the contrary. According to the group of Russian veterans, the Kremlin should continue to mobilize in all regions bordering NATO countries, increase the military service period from one year to two, establish a war administration in the Donetsk and Lukansk People's Republics, and punish deserters with the death penalty.

Of course, all of this can really only surprise those who are not willing to face the realities, be they historical, geopolitical, strategic, military, cultural, religious or identity related. And if someone does not realize even today that for existential reasons the cause of Ukraine is more important for the Russian Federation than for the USA, he probably will not realize that Ukraine will never win this war, on the other hand, the Russian Empire will not win a hundred years from now will stand. Just like that, descriptively.

Robert C. Castel wrote the following about the phenomenon:

"The protest movement criticizing the war finally started, but not exactly according to the grass-guitar scenario. Russian veterans, ultra-nationalists and the Russian far-right are increasingly critical of the conduct of the war. Their demands and threats include general mobilization, the expansion of the war and, if necessary, the use of nuclear weapons. The coup we have been dreaming of for months may yet happen. But there is no guarantee that Mr. Putin will be replaced by Bernard Guetta's Russian counterpart.

According to the orthodox miser order, a Kerensky is usually followed by a Lenin, who then christens him as a new Stalin."

Featured image source: Neokohn