The results of the investigation by the Office of Education have arrived, which revealed that Gergely Karácsony obtained his teaching assistant and assistant professor positions at Corvinus University in a way that violates the law. Karácsony clearly lacked the necessary qualifications for the job, yet he was able to become a teaching assistant in 2004, only 2 months after his well-paid consultant became the Prime Minister's Office - Philip Rákay wrote in his Facebook post.
How could this happen? Rákay asks the question and answers it - in a video.
Well, Karácsony reacted to the video almost immediately, although he would have done better if he had listened deeply. He couldn't refute anything, so he pretended that he was under political attack, even though there is no politics in it, if you read it, his employment as teaching assistant and assistant professor was illegal. His pathetic defense looks like this:
"I see that the public administration was put on the line so that there would be ammunition for discrediting me, so that there would be something to spend that 1.5 million per day. One thing I regret is that with their big discrediting campaign, the target of which is me, they are attacking a university, lecturers, and teachers, who have nothing to do with the fact that the Orbáns fear me - rightly so - for their power. Let me be clear: I am proud of the nearly 10 years I spent as an instructor at Corvinus, I am proud of my students, and I am proud of the scientific work we have done together. And some Fidesz lackeys will never be able to take that away from me."
Philip Rákay responded to this as follows:
THAT'S WHY IT'S WEAK AS AN EXPLANATION... I recommend: run to him again! Did you commit the offense with your comrades or not? Did you have the right papers for the university position or not? Only you know the answers to these simple questions!"
Lord God, what now? We can bite our nails in our excitement, wondering what Mr. (pseudo) assistant professor Karácsony can answer. Maybe he presents his doctorate (he doesn't have that), or he gives a lecture in English, flaunting his knowledge (heh, he doesn't, because his language skills are hyperpassive).
Of course, he can be a carpenter, no qualifications are required for this. On the other hand, yes for university teaching staff. But he doesn't have that. Point.
(Cover image source: Facebook)