According to the Center for Fundamental Rights (AK), the annual speech of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, assessing the state of the Union on Wednesday, revealed an alternative reality that contrasts with the experience of the majority of European citizens.

István Kovács, the strategic director of the legal analysis institute, said at his press conference in Budapest on Thursday that the opinion of the AK is in stark contrast to the findings of the EC president.

István Kovács/Source/AK

István Kovács/Source/AK

He reported on the details: according to von der Leyen, the EU failed in its crisis management, while mismanaging the coronavirus epidemic and its economic consequences. Regarding the EU recovery fund and the EU initiatives aimed at preserving jobs, István Kovács said that "the EU had nothing to do with the recovery of the Hungarian economy".

He added that the Hungarian economy has already reached its pre-epidemic level, but this is not due to the EU.

According to István Kovács, Ursula von der Leyen put migration on the agenda again in her evaluation, "taking advantage of the situation in Afghanistan". "This danger is more relevant today than ever," he said, implying that the Afghan situation is expected to trigger a new wave of migration.

Regarding the words of the President of the European Court of Justice regarding the rule of law, he saw that the fact that Von der Leyen did not say Hungary's name gave reason for confidence, but what he said did not. According to his point of view, even the methodology of the rule of law reports containing country-specific recommendations is bleeding from a thousand wounds. At the same time, István Kovács expressed his concern that Von der Leyen considers the country reports as the cornerstone of his future politicization, and then called them a political tool, a tool of blackmail.

According to Attila Kovács, the center's EU project manager, the EC president's words on Wednesday can be evaluated "along the lines of abuse and federalism". He explained: Brussels wants to strengthen federalism at the expense of the traditional powers of the member states. Among these powers, he mentioned tax, social and health policy, as well as defense policy. Speaking about the latter, he also mentioned that Manfred Weber, the leader of the European Parliament group of the European People's Party (EPP), who commented on Von der Leyen's speech, already "visioned" the creation of a "European FBI" after the European prosecutor's office.

According to Attila Kovács, the president of the European Court of Justice wants to interfere in the Hungarian parliamentary elections next spring with his statements about the override of media relations, which would give the committee a say in the internal affairs and editorial principles of media companies. Attila Kovács summed it up as follows: Ursula von der Leyen "watches different cinema than European citizens".

Source: MTI/

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