With the cooperation of the National Legal Protection Service (NJSZ), the Civil Cooperation Non-profit Foundation (CÖF–CÖKA) invites those interested to see an unusual exhibition. On September 18 (i.e. today) at 4 p.m., the traveling exhibition "Freedom drowned in blood" will be opened in a ceremonial setting on Erzsébet tér. Magyar Nemzet talked to László Csizmadia, the president of CÖF-CÖKA, about the unusual exhibition. We quote some details from the interview.

MN: - I would like to present the material of Freedom Drowned in Blood in many parts of the country. Are the events of the recent past considered historic in fifteen years' time?

– The presentation on the events of the fall of 2006 not only contains documents about the brutal police excesses typical of the Gyurcsány era at Astoria, but also presents never-before-seen video and audio materials.... The exhibition travels around Hungary on a huge truck. It is important to underline that the series of events was created purely from public donations. So, private individuals and businesses helped the plan to be realized... We must never forget the terror in Gyurcsány, but we must also not lose sight of the fact that if a government that wants to work for the public good wants to stay in power, it has to step in, be firm, approach the people, to go among them, for them. The traveling exhibition also serves this purpose...

MN: ….– The peace march is traditionally organized in Budapest. Don't they become a capital-centered organization?

- No, because the rural citizens who sympathize with us come to Budapest by the tens of thousands. We also have regular contact with the population through our other successful mass events. We are now taking the Civil Academy not only within the border, but also to areas beyond the border, where eminent speakers express their opinions on political, cultural and economic topics. In connection with the traveling exhibition that is starting now, it is essential to learn from the events of the recent historical past. In connection with this, we created a justice committee. In addition to the paragraphs of the law, the need for justice is always at work in people, and these two unfortunately do not always overlap. In certain cases, the legislation allows the perpetrators of political or economic crimes against the people to go free without a sentence. In 2010, the CÖF filed a complaint against an unknown perpetrator, referring to the illegal actions of the Gyurcsány government, which ended after six years of trial and error when the investigating authority informed us by letter that the case was closed in the absence of a crime. However, the nation's conscience rightly raises its eyebrows at this time.

MN: – It is often said that in addition to the conscience of the nation, it is also good to maintain the memory of the nation.

– Many people no longer remember what happened at Astoria in the fall of 2006. And the young people could not even recognize this shameful event of modern Hungarian democracy. For this very reason, in addition to learning lessons, it is also necessary to teach. We now have enough rights in the name of freedom of speech and enough data to call the culprits by name. It is especially necessary now to keep the national memory awake, since now the left-liberal force wants to come to power once again, the intellectual leader of which was burned once and for all by this whole disgraceful period. Between 2002 and 2008, especially during the Öszöd speech, things happened in this country that are unique in the world. The fact that the then-reigning prime minister was able to utter the ominous lie at a closed party meeting is clear evidence that Ferenc Gyurcsány never managed to shed all the dictatorial features that fed on Bolshevism. And what is happening today in the left field is a manifestation of the fact that the current political outfit organized around the prime minister, who has fallen for his lies, has no intention of serving the interests of the nation. They are simply applying for the filled state treasury, their goal is to empty the coffers. For this reason, they are able to make the most incompetent, dirtiest, most unprincipled deals among themselves on any basis. Already a decade and a half ago, Gyurcsány pulled the veil off his philosophy, practically even betraying the post-communist and liberal idealism attached to it, so it is hopeless to look for any kind of ideological or moral standards in today's Hungarian left. And now we see that the old-new political set belonging to his court and controlled by him wants to come to power. This must be prevented. The specter of country destroyers must be eradicated once and for all.

MN: – Even with the help of a live history lesson traveling on a spectacular truck?

- Exactly. Although children learn the history of the past in schools, it would be at least as important for them to have a clear knowledge of what happened a decade and a half ago. We, civilians, try to deal meaningfully with all matters of public interest. In practice, we keep civil courage alive. This is the point, this is our task. We also want to encourage parents to do the same...

The full interview can be read here.

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