On Friday, the residents of Ecsegfalva got together again, this time they started renovating the interior of the Church of the Heart of Jesus - it can be read on the Békés county news portal.

About twenty people from Ecsegfalvi gathered at the Heart of Jesus Church on Friday morning to renovate its interior. The enterprising locals gave their professional knowledge, free time, energy and tools for the noble cause.

Mayor István Galambos said that the renovation of the church started when the Parish of St. Anne of Dévaványa sold its nearby building, the price of which was offered to purchase the raw materials.

However, the two million forints they received for it proved to be insufficient for the renovation, as they also have to pay labor fees.

That is why, for the first time in the life of the settlement, they have decided to ask for the cooperation of the population regarding the professional work. He explained that the renovation affects the interior spaces of the church, which will be re-paved on 250 square meters from the above amount, and the municipality will pay for the wall painting and the necessary labor.

He emphasized that the Church of the Heart of Jesus is a special building for the people of Ecsegfalvia, as they have countless memories attached to it, and in addition, the cross was placed on it in 1950, when the settlement was registered with its current name.

István Révai revealed that his father was once present during the construction of the church, so when he saw the invitation, he thought that he too would help preserve the value of his father's former work. Moreover, he is sure that his ancestors would do the same in his place, so that the young people can also have a beautiful church in Ecsegfalva, which strengthens their sense of belonging.

Gyomaendrőd parish priest Gábor Czank said that since the beginning of the 70s, there has been no resident priest in Ecsegfalva, where for a while someone came from Dévaványa to hold mass, and then "moved out" from there, nowadays they come from Gyomaendrőd to celebrate the occasions. So the former parish building had been abandoned for a long time, and after seeing the state of the church in need of renovation, he thought that the price of the building should be invested in it. Its foundation consisted of old paving slabs laid in sand, which was almost dangerous . For a long time, the fate of the church was a stepfather, since it was built during the war in 1942, and for years it was not allowed to be consecrated, instead it was used, for example, as a warehouse. And the locals fought a lot for it, since it was built to be a church. But they still fight for it and love it, which can be seen in the renovation.

the entire article here .