The Hungarian government helps the prosperity of Hungarian families across the border and encourages them to stay in their homeland by supporting Hungarian businesses in the Carpathian Basin - said the State Secretary for National Policy János Árpád Potápi on Friday, at the opening of the first Transylvanian Economic Forum in Marosvásárhely - which was reported by Székelyhon .

The two-day meeting organized by the State Secretariat for National Policy of the Prime Minister's Office together with the Pro Economica Foundation, which runs the Transylvanian economic development program, with the professional partnership of Design Terminal, was held in Marosvásárhely in order to strengthen the cooperation of Transylvanian Hungarian entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs and organizations from all counties of Transylvania participated in the forum. The aim of the two-day event is to create a framework for a wide-ranging dialogue about the situation of Hungarian businesses in Transylvania. János Árpád Potápi, the State Secretary responsible for national policy at the Prime Minister's Office, said at the opening of the event: it is important that cooperation is always strengthened. In recent years, they have strived for full cooperation, this has more or less been achieved in Transylvania, and this congress is proof of that.

The state secretary said: this year, the entrepreneurial mentor training program previously organized in Vojvodina was extended to Transylvania, but the organization of Hungarian economic actors into a community did not end here. With the Marosvásárhely initiative launched on Friday, they are trying to create a framework of cooperation in Transylvania that brings together Transylvanian entrepreneurs and leaders of professional organizations to work together and think together. He congratulated the RMDSZ for the work done in recent years, for the historic successes they were able to achieve in the local government and parliamentary elections, and since then they have been strengthening Hungarianness in the government as well, thus representing not only the interests of Hungarians, but the interests of the whole of Romania. their tasks. As he said, the RMDSZ has been a trusted ally of the Hungarian government since 2010, and it is obvious that in cooperation with the other parties, including them in the national unity, they are trying to achieve full cooperation in order to serve the Hungarian communities. We will only be able to carry forward the national political successes of the past decade together if we are able to preserve this unity that we have been able to develop in the 2022 parliamentary elections, one of the stakes of which will be whether we can further strengthen our communities in the Carpathian Basin, and in the diaspora, and it is obvious that the results of national politics can only be preserved if we continue this joint work - explained the state secretary.

According to Kelemen Hunor, the president of RMDSZ, it is important that this economic forum was organized in 2021, in a difficult period . "We believe that the economic area of ​​the Carpathian Basin should be viewed as a unified area. When it comes to Transylvanian entrepreneurs, we ask not only for help and support, but also for partnership, and we also have to look at our environment, the entire Carpathian basin, where Transylvanian businesses can also be present. The president of RMDSZ stated that they are currently working to find a solution to remedy the runaway energy prices, for at least half a year, which would affect not only individual consumers, but also entrepreneurs.