We will not abandon Hungarian sovereignty - declared László Csizmadia, the founder of the Civil Solidarity Forum (CÖF), at the Budapest press conference on the ninth Peace March planned for October 23. The editor-in-chief of Demokrata, András Bencsik, drew attention to the danger of Ferenc Gyurcsány's return.

László Csizmadia, who is also the chairman of the board of trustees of the Civil Solidarity Foundation (CÖKA), expressed a message to Brussels and the "opposition emerging in our country" regarding the Peace March to be held on the 65th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle.

Addressing Brussels, he warned: the Hungarian rule of law rests on Hungarian democracy, and they reject the wounds inflicted on the principle of popular sovereignty.
"Democracy is only where people can express their opinions about their own
destiny and live their lives the way they want," he added.
László Csizmadia said of the current opposition: "it was good for nothing" between 2002-2010, and in 2006, in one afternoon, it "created a bloody republic with state terror" at Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út and Astoria.

On October 23, the next Peace March will march with strollers and children on arms along the route where "they committed this evil week," said László Csizmadia.

Speaking about the reasons for the next Peace March, journalist András Bencsik, the editor-in-chief of Demokrata, emphasized that the "amazingly noisy and aggressive" opposition propaganda campaign should not be allowed to unsettle anyone. The Peace March can give strength to this as well, he added. Furthermore, quoting Robert Schuman, one of the founders of the EU, he emphasized: Europe will either be Christian or it will not be.

A dangerous political criminal is preparing to return to power, his name is Ferenc Gyurcsány. Ferenc Gyurcsány, former prime minister and president of the DK, trusts in forgetting. We have to show that this person cannot return - emphasized András Bencsik.

Source: Democrat

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Máthé