There is a wise Hungarian saying, according to which "if you had listened, you would have remained wise". Do we need to say anything else, Ildiko?

Ildikó Lendvai is a regular (weekly) author of the Városi kurir (or what is nyű) portal, which has seen better days and proved the authenticity of his words even then ("I say it slowly so that everyone understands: there will be no gas price increase" - then it happened five times) Live proof of the wisdom of the quoted saying.

In his column called Heti tapló (look, the title is so telling), he managed to lie again and put it in a rather touching way.

Let's see the lie. He writes that "by the way, the head of the CÖF also controls the public fund for the support of civil organizations. I can imagine how impartially he distributes the money.” The quoted text might remind me of Bulgakov's Master and Margarita, when Koroviov says to the Bengali conference: Congratulations, fellow citizen, on a well-executed lie.

However, this lie did not go well, the fact is that the "leader of the CÖF" has not been participating in the work of the National Cooperation Fund for a year, but for some reason this escaped Ildikó's attention. In vain, the years pass, the memory is not the same.

Comrade Lendva also misses the Peace March. Of course, we miss it too, but it's good if you know that the Peace Procession does not belong to the SZFE sandbox, it is only announced when the spiritual defenders of the country see that its time has come. It wouldn't hurt if our Ildiko had at least minimal information about the daily happenings, because - if he didn't know - the assembly restrictions are still valid, and it's not up to the participants of the Peace March to break the rules. That's the custom of the Ballibs.

As for the real touch, Ildikó immersed himself in it. He couldn't feel sorry for the mother of the founding president of the CÖF, because he thought her only joy was that her son had a hole in his bottom. Of course, we don't know how the old woman from the MSZP knows this, but we do know that making an example of one's mother is real rudeness, groping.

It would have been good if Ildikó Lendvai used the censorship experience she gained under Comrade György Aczél and applied it to her own writing before publishing her writing. Then perhaps we should not warn him: "If you had listened, you would have remained wise."

(Image source: City courier)